
  • 网络synod;Synod of Bishops;Holy Synod;Episcopal Council
  1. 他是获教宗邀请出席零五年世界主教会议的四位大陆主教之一,可是无法成行。

    He was one of the four mainland prelates who were invited by the pope to the World Synod of Bishops in2005 , although he was unable to attend .

  2. 菲律宾天主教主教会议

    Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines

  3. 由于不同的个人得出不同的结论,结果便是争斗,而神学里的定案不再从主教会议中去找,改在战场上谋求。

    Since different individuals reached different conclusions , the result was strife , and theologicaldecisions were sought , no longer in assemblies of bishops , but on the battle-field .

  4. 东非主教派成员会议协会;

    Association of member Episcopal Conferences in eastern africa ;

  5. 红衣主教将举行秘密会议选举本笃十六世的接任者。

    Cardinals will hold a conclave to decide on Benedict 's successor .

  6. 中美洲主教和大主教会议

    Congress of Bishops and Archbishops of Central America

  7. 将决定教皇本笃十六世继任者的枢机主教结束了秘密会议前的辩论会。

    The cardinals who will decide who will succeed Pope Benedict have wrapped up their pre-conclave discussions .

  8. 所以他利用帝王的权力,强迫主教参加几场会议。

    So he uses the power of the emperor 's throne to force bishops to come together in several different councils .