
  • 网络Purple Mountain Observatory
  1. 中国科学院紫金山天文台青岛观象站从1996年4月开始到1997年5月1日结束,在138个观测夜,共拍摄Hale-Bopp彗星底片508张。

    The results of photographic Observations of Comet Hale-Bopp made at Qingdao Station of Purple Mountain Observatory .

  2. 中国科学院紫金山天文台今天宣布,中国已经建立全国性观测苏梅克列维9号彗星撞击木星的网络,并制订了规模宏大的天文监测计划。

    Zijin Mountain Observatory of the China Academy of Sciences announced today that a nation-wide observation network for the collision of shoemaker-levy9comet with Jupiter had been built in China and a large-scale astronomical observation plan had been formulated as well .