
zhōnɡ huá mín zú
  • the Chinese people/nation/ethnic group
  • the Chinese Nation
中华民族 [zhōng huá mín zú]
  • [the Chinese Nation] 中国各民族的总称

  1. 自从新中国诞生,中华民族的发展就进入了一个新时代。

    Since the foundation of New China , the development of the Chinese nation has entered a new era .

  2. 中华民族以勤劳勇敢著称。

    The Chinese nation is distinguished for its diligence and courage .

  3. 勤劳俭朴是中华民族的本色。

    Industry and frugality are the inherent qualities of the Chinese nation .

  4. 啊!黄河,你是中华民族的摇篮。

    O ! The Huanghe ( River ), cradle of the Chinese nation .

  5. 中华民族到了这生死存亡的关头。

    The Chinese nation has reached a point where its very existence is at stake .

  6. 我们中华民族有同自己的敌人血战到底的气概。

    We Chinese have the spirit to fight the enemy to the last drop of our blood .

  7. 经过一百多年的反帝反封建斗争,灾难深重的中华民族终于站起来了。

    After more than a hundred years of anti-imperialist , anti-feudal struggle , the calamity-ridden Chinese nation at last stood up .

  8. 展现中华民族智慧的伟大创造

    Great innovation showing the wisdom of the Chinese nation

  9. 龙在中国的节日里扮演着重要的角色,它是中华民族的象征。

    The dragon plays an important part in Chinese festivals.It is a symbol of the Chinese nation .

  10. 众所周知,尊老爱幼是中华民族的优良传统。

    As we all know , respecting the old and taking care of the young is a good Chinese tradition .

  11. 走出中华民族最壮观最壮美的方阵!

    Goes out the Chinese nation magnificent sight sublimest square matrix !

  12. 建设教育强国是中华民族伟大复兴的基础工程,必须把教育事业放在优先位置,加快教育现代化,办好人民满意的教育。

    Strengthening education is fundamental to our pursuit of national rejuvenation cause .

  13. 虽然这次残酷的残酷,中华民族显示出了强大的团结

    Though the bloodiness of the earthquake , Chinese nationality show the huge solidarity .

  14. 中华民族是从艰难困苦中走过来的。

    China has undergone a lot of hardships .

  15. 保护黄河是事关中华民族伟大复兴和永续发展的千秋大计,是重大国家战略。

    The protection of the Yellow River is critical to the great rejuvenation and sustainable development of the Chinese nation . It is a major national strategy .

  16. 第七条教育应当继承和弘扬中华民族优秀的历史文化传统,吸收人类文明发展的一切优秀成果。

    Article 7 In education the brilliant historic and cultural tradition of the Chinese nation shall be inherited and carried forward and all other excellent achievements of human civilization shall be absorbed .

  17. 今天,我们比历史上任何时期都更接近、更有信心和能力实现中华民族伟大复兴的目标,同时必须准备付出更为艰巨、更为艰苦的努力。

    We are closer , more confident , and more capable than ever before of making the goal of national rejuvenation a reality . But we must be prepared to work harder than ever to get there .

  18. 抗美援朝战争锻造形成的伟大抗美援朝精神,是弥足珍贵的精神财富,必将激励中国人民和中华民族克服一切艰难险阻、战胜一切强大敌人。

    The great spirit forged during the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea is a " precious spiritual wealth " that will inspire the Chinese people and the Chinese nation to overcome all difficulties and obstacles , and prevail over all enemies .

  19. 各级党委和政府要高度重视研究生教育,加快培养国家急需的高层次人才,为坚持和发展中国特色社会主义、实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦作出贡献。

    Party committees and governments at all levels should focus on improving graduate education to cultivate more high-level talent urgently needed by the country , so as to contribute to upholding and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics , and realizing the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation7 .

  20. 人类单核苷酸多态性(SNPs)国际研究计划和中华民族单核苷酸多态性项目已经进行了两年多时间,由于研究工作耗资巨大,使得这两个项目都进展缓慢。

    The human single nucleotide polymorphisms ( SNPs ) international research project and the Chinese SNPs research project have been carried out for more than two years . The progress of the two projects was slow due to the huge resources demand .

  21. 中华民族精神是一个永恒而又常新的命题。

    Chinese national spirit is an everlasting and often fresh thesis .

  22. 龙舟竞渡是中华民族传统体育项目之一。

    Dragon boat race is one of the traditional Chinese sports .

  23. 中华民族优良传统道德与高等体育教育

    Virtue of Chinese Nation . And Higher Learning of Physical Education

  24. 翻译与中华民族文化之建构

    An Interlink : Translation and the Culture of the Chinese Nation

  25. 武术是中华民族精神的集中体现。

    Wushu is the exact embodiment of the Chinese national spirit .

  26. 中华民族传统体育&在休闲时代体现文化多样性

    The Chinese folk games : incarnate Cultural Diversity in leisure development

  27. 中华民族伟大复兴需要理论准备和理论指导。

    Chinese nation 's great rejuvenation needs theory preparation and theoretical guidance .

  28. 这也是我中华民族千古不变的传统美德。

    This is a traditional virtue that Chinese can 't be changed .

  29. 文明诗学:中华民族的理论创新

    Civilization poetics : the theoretical creation of the Chinese Nation

  30. 加强中华民族传统美德教育的意义

    The Sense of Strengthen Moral Excellence Education of Chinese Nation