- 名neutron state

Abnormal Nuclear Phenomena in Deuterium Metal System and Dineutron Model
This paper simply discouses upon the idea of cold fusion and physical foundation of the dineutron model ;
The results make sure that the first excited state of 13C is the one-neutron halo state .
The results show that the second and third excited states of 12B are one-neutron halo states . It is the second nucleus to be found with new halo states near the p stable line .
A brief description of the elementary scattering theory of the interaction between the thermal neutrons and the condensed matter is given and the characteristics related to the experimental method of the thermal neutrons inelastic scattering is described .
Systematics of Isomeric Cross Section Ratio for Neutron Induced Reactions
Proton and neutron form a charge doublet .
Level structure of ~ ( 153 ) dy in high spin states and shape changes with N and I in Dy nuclei
Accelerator performances required and target systems for spallation neutron sources in the accelerator-driven advanced nuclear energy systems are reviewed and discussed . This paper simply discouses upon the idea of cold fusion and physical foundation of the dineutron model ;