- 名Canon

There she took out an old violin no one played . Jen looked in the pile of CD 's her family owned and found Pachabel 's Canon .
Free Dodecaphonic , Canon , Quotation and Collage OCEAN 'S TWELVE
With the type of work I do , I see how health can change at a moment 's notice , ' she says .
LEAVING BERLIN . By Joseph Kanon . ( Atria , $ 27 . ) In Kanon 's thriller , a German-born American writer becomes a spy in East Berlin .
" The brand is your promise that represents real things that you deliver ," said Steve Cannon , vice president of marketing for Mercedes-Benz USA , a company that knows something about image creation .
This craftsman works in leather , ie makes leather goods , etc. Mr. Canon trades in furs .
For many human traditions have been changed in process of time , as the Canons themselves show .
Is it Ode to Joy , Auld Lang Syne , Pomp and Circumstance or Pachebel 's Canon .
For Mercedes'Cannon , the key to creating an elite brand is to " actively manage " your reputation .
I already know , just based on his gender alone , that Canon will probably have advantages in life that his sisters can only dream of .
Earlier this summer , a few weeks after the season ended , Ayesha and I were blessed with the birth of our third child , Canon - our first son .
She knew her friend liked the classical song Pachabel 's Canon and she knew her friend loved the violin . Jen knew what to give her best friend . She walked down the hallway and went to her parent 's closet .