
Kǎ nónɡ
  • Canon
  1. 她走进房间,在父母的衣柜里,找到一把没人拉的小提琴,并在全家人的CD堆中,找到帕海贝尔的卡农CD。

    There she took out an old violin no one played . Jen looked in the pile of CD 's her family owned and found Pachabel 's Canon .

  2. 自由十二音、卡农、引用与拼贴

    Free Dodecaphonic , Canon , Quotation and Collage OCEAN 'S TWELVE

  3. 在科罗拉多州卡农城(CanonCity)从事临终护理工作的希尔说:“由于我的工作性质,我知道一个人的身体状况瞬间会发生何种变化。”

    With the type of work I do , I see how health can change at a moment 's notice , ' she says .

  4. 《离开柏林》(LeavingBerlin),约瑟夫·卡农(JosephKanon)著,(Atria出版社,27美元)。在卡农的这部惊悚小说里,一个出生在德国的美国作家在东柏林成了间谍。

    LEAVING BERLIN . By Joseph Kanon . ( Atria , $ 27 . ) In Kanon 's thriller , a German-born American writer becomes a spy in East Berlin .

  5. 梅塞德斯-奔驰(Mercedes-Benz)美国公司营销副总裁史蒂夫•卡农称:“品牌就是一个人的承诺,承诺你真正能够做到的事情。”该公司对于形象塑造比较在行。

    " The brand is your promise that represents real things that you deliver ," said Steve Cannon , vice president of marketing for Mercedes-Benz USA , a company that knows something about image creation .

  6. 这个手艺人是做皮货的。卡农先生经营皮货。

    This craftsman works in leather , ie makes leather goods , etc. Mr. Canon trades in furs .

  7. 对于许多人的传统已被更改过程中的时间,作为自己的显示卡农。

    For many human traditions have been changed in process of time , as the Canons themselves show .

  8. 它是《欢乐颂》、《友谊天长地久》、《威风凛凛进行曲》还是《D大调卡农》?

    Is it Ode to Joy , Auld Lang Syne , Pomp and Circumstance or Pachebel 's Canon .

  9. 对于梅赛德斯的卡农来说,创造精英品牌的关键就是要对个人声誉进行“积极管理”。

    For Mercedes'Cannon , the key to creating an elite brand is to " actively manage " your reputation .

  10. 我早已明白,仅仅基于他的性别,卡农可能已经拥有了他姐姐们这辈子都可望而不可即的优势。

    I already know , just based on his gender alone , that Canon will probably have advantages in life that his sisters can only dream of .

  11. 前段时间,这个赛季刚结束后的几周,我和阿耶莎有幸迎接我们第三个孩子,卡农——我们第一个儿子的出生。

    Earlier this summer , a few weeks after the season ended , Ayesha and I were blessed with the birth of our third child , Canon - our first son .

  12. 她知道她的朋友很喜欢古典乐曲帕海贝尔的卡农,她也知道朋友喜欢小提琴,珍想到要送最好的朋友什么礼物。

    She knew her friend liked the classical song Pachabel 's Canon and she knew her friend loved the violin . Jen knew what to give her best friend . She walked down the hallway and went to her parent 's closet .