
  • Chinese citizen;Chinese national;China
  1. 他是第一个获此殊荣的中国公民。

    He is the first Chinese citizen to win this award .

  2. 第三十六条中国公民继承在中华人民共和国境外的遗产或者继承在中华人民共和国境内的外国人的遗产,动产适用被继承人住所地法律,不动产适用不动产所在地法律。

    Article 36 For inheritance by a Chinese citizen of an estate outside the People 's Republic of China or of an estate of a foreigner within the People 's Republic of China , the law of the place of domicile of the decedent shall apply in the case of movable property ;

  3. 中华人民共和国不承认中国公民具有双重国籍。

    The people 's Republic of China does not recognize dual nationality for any Chinese national .

  4. 特朗普政府计划将社交媒体审查扩大至赴美的中国公民。

    The Trump1 administration is moving to expand social media checks to cover Chinese citizens traveling to the US .

  5. �居住在中华人民共和国境内的年满十六周岁的中国公民应当依照本条例的规定,申请领取中华人民共和国居民身份证。

    Chinese citizens who have reached the age of 16 and who reside in the People 's Republic of China shall obtain by application a resident identity card of the People 's Republic of China in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations .

  6. 据日本法务省(JapaneseDepartmentofJustice)称,日本周二对3名杀人犯执行了绞刑,其中包括一位中国公民。

    Japan hanged three murderers on Tuesday , including one Chinese citizen , according to the Japanese Department of Justice .

  7. ThomasChin是海外华人在马来西亚咨询中心的顾问,他表示一般有五个主要问题影响着中国公民。

    Thomas Chin , a consultant at the Advisory Center For Chinese Living Abroad In Malaysia , said generally there are five major issues affecting Chinese citizens .

  8. BBC新闻–美国当局以三项经济间谍罪起诉中国公民许家强(音),控告他涉嫌从前美国雇主那里盗窃重要的源代码。

    BBC News - US authorities have charged Chinese national Xu Jiaqiang with three counts of economic espionage for allegedly stealing valuable source code from his former employer in the US .

  9. 2007年,在武装分子绑架多名中国公民后,在中国的压力下,巴方突袭红色清真寺(LalMasjid)。

    In 2007 , under Chinese pressure , Islamabad raided the Lal Masjid Red Mosque after militants kidnapped several Chinese citizens .

  10. 韩飞龙(PeterHumphrey)上周被判犯有非法获取中国公民个人信息罪,这起案件受到银行、对冲基金和私募股权公司的密切关注,目的是寻找在中国开展尽职调查的线索。

    When Peter Humphrey was convicted last week of illegally obtaining the personal information of Chinese citizens , it ended a case that had been closely watched by banks , hedge funds and private equity firms for clues about doing due diligence in China .

  11. 星期三早上,首批83名中国公民从利比亚撤离至埃及境内,他们隶属于在利比亚进行工程施工的中建集团(CSCEC)。

    Early Wednesday , 83 Chinese nationals , working as business staff and construction workers of the China State Construction Engineering Corporation ( CSCEC ), were evacuated from Libya to Egypt .

  12. 新中国公民政治参与的历史发展

    The Historical Development of New China 's Citizen Participating in Politics

  13. 中国公民情感价值取向调查分析

    Survey and Analysis of Chinese Citizens ' Orientation of Affective Values

  14. 中国公民应该采取何种防范措施以维护自身利益?

    What precautionary measures can the latter take to safeguard themselves ?

  15. 当代中国公民伦理发展研究

    The Research on the Development of Civil Ethics in Modern China

  16. 中国公民审美价值观与闲暇价值观比较分析

    Analysis on Aesthetic Value and Leisure Value of Chinese Citizens

  17. 目前已有3000余名中国公民从越南回国。

    More than three-thousand Chinese nationals have already been evacuated from Vietnam .

  18. 一名光荣的中国公民应当珍惜自己的公民权利。

    An honoraBle Chinese citizen should Be jealous of his own rights .

  19. 中国公民赴韩国旅游市场分析&以我国六大旅游热点城市为例

    A Market Analysis of Chinese Outbound Tourism to South Korea

  20. 中国公民教育观发展脉络探析

    Exploration on the Developmental Track of Chinese Civil Educational Outlook

  21. 您想对这些中国公民说些什么吗?

    Do you have any words for those Chinese citizens ?

  22. 每个中国公民都有权得到法律保护。

    Every citizen in China may claim the protection of the law .

  23. 俄罗斯、乌兹别克斯坦已经是中国公民出境旅游目的地国。

    Russia and Uzbekistan are both now tourist destinations for Chinese citizens .

  24. 许多中国公民都表现出反日倾向,这令领导层十分尴尬。

    Many Chinese citizens show an anti-Japanese fervour that embarrasses the leadership .

  25. 秦刚称:中国公民依法享有宗教信仰自由。

    The Chinese people enjoy religious freedom according to law .

  26. 与此同时,中国公民出境游人数正持续攀升。

    Meanwhile , the number of outbound Chinese tourists has continued to climb .

  27. 新中国公民权利理论亦经历了漫长的孕育过程。

    The citizen right theory of China also experiences the long pregnant process .

  28. 论中国公民在国外的刑事保护

    On Criminal Protection for Chinese Citizens in Foreign Countries

  29. 比如,有人问我成为中国公民后我就丧失了加拿大公民身份吗?

    Did I lose my Canadian citizenship when I became a Chinese citizen ?

  30. 中国公民正义观评析

    Analysis of the Justice Conception of the Chinese people