- 名sovereign act;act of sovereignty

It is stated in this thesis that extradition is a national and sovereign act . The requesting state and requested state should be proceeding subjects . And the criminal who received prosecution and conviction is the proceeding object .
A state alone can perform acts of sovereignty on its territory .
It is a country 's sovereignty action , as well as its governing action made according to its own political , safety and economy conditions to regulate the right to leave and return ( RLR ) .
The Group of Seven nations called on Russia Wednesday to ' cease all efforts to annex Crimea ' and condemned its ' unprovoked violation of Ukraine 's sovereignty . ' But there was no sign of real , meaningful sanctions .
Sovereign state actor is the object of study in traditional national security .
The participation degree and importance of non-state actors becomes more and more unneglectable .
China is urging Japan to cease immediately all actions that infringe China 's territorial integrity and sovereignty .
At home , for condemning Soviet Union and other countries violated the sovereignty of Czechoslovakia , the Romanian leader Ceausescu became a national hero .
He urged the Japanese side to honestly face up to and reflect on its history of militarist aggression and stop infringing upon China 's territorial sovereignty .
To droit of illegal change town enterprise , detinue or free uses town enterprise property , dismiss illegally of town enterprise controller with the act that violates a town enterprise to manage own advantageous position , instruct by Department of administration of town enterprise of prefectural class above correct .
As an act of Wwar against the Russian Republic and Russian sovereignty .
The alternative is to have a single agency , as is the case with the Kuwait Investment Authority , currently a role model for best practice among sovereign funds .
Any downgrade of Japanese sovereign debt would certainly increase the likelihood of a debt crisis .
This code of conduct governing sovereign investment practices has reassured stakeholders & investor nations , recipient nations , and the private sector .
The second one leaves a lot autonomy to the enterprise , the behavior of enterprises are even more deserving to be concerned , therefore voluntary changes in accounting policies have become one of the scholars ' research core .
This trend will gain momentum very quickly , so it would be best to seek agreements on the above items as core principles of " SWF best practices " rather than wait for a long negotiation over a complete set of such principles .
The author firstly introduces the sovereign debt and theories , reasons and description for breaching .
The second chapter elaborated the European sovereign debt crisis theory , namely the sovereign default behavior theory and sovereign debt default incentive theory , as well as the financial crisis and monetary crisis theory .