
  • 网络Personal settlement account;Individually Billed Accounts;IBA
  1. 通过个人结算账户的汇划业务,按个人汇款标准收费,1%,最高50元。

    Carry account of individual settle accounts collect delimit business , press individual remittance standard to collect fees , 1 % , highest 50 yuan .

  2. 在中国农业银行开立个人结算账户,并同意银行从其指定的个人结算账户扣收贷款本息。

    Have opened personal settlement account in ICBC and agree that bank can deduct the principal and interest of loan from the specified personal settlement account .

  3. 要看你转账支票的收款人与个人结算账户的户名是否一致,不一致的不可以入账。

    Should see you turn of the chamberlain of Zhang check and account of individual settle accounts door the name is uniform , abhorrent not OK enter an item in an account .

  4. 为什么要单设个人银行结算账户?

    Why is personal bank settlement account set up separately ?

  5. 什么是个人银行结算账户?

    What 's the personal bank settlement account ?