
  • 网络consumer loan
  1. 个人消费贷款信用等级评定的模糊间接识别方法

    Indirect identification of credit degree of personal consumer loan using fuzzy method

  2. 对中小企业贷款、资租赁的担保,对个人消费贷款担保;对外投资。

    SME loans , lease financing guarantees for the individual consumer loan guarantees ; Foreign investment .

  3. 大力拓展个人消费贷款业务

    Devoting Major Efforts to the Development of Individual Consumption Loan Business

  4. 建设银行长春地区个人消费贷款营销战略

    Marketing Strategy of China Construction Bank Personal Consumption Loan in Changchun

  5. 对中小企业贷款、票据贴现、融资租赁、个人消费贷款担保。

    SME loans , bills discounting , finance lease , and personal consumption loan guarantees .

  6. 对个人消费贷款担保;

    Loan guarantees for the individual consumer ;

  7. 个人消费贷款系列产品是建设银行向个人客户发放的用于指定消费用途的各类个人贷款的总称。

    Personal consumption loans series products are a nomenclature of all personal loans which are granted by CCB to individuals for designated consumption use .

  8. 个人消费贷款持续发展,贷款余额不断上升,当前我国的个人信贷业务已进入市场高速成长期。

    Up to now the Personal Credit Business Market in China has come into fast development time with the amount and balance of this business increased continue .

  9. 目前我国银行业在拓展个人消费贷款业务中存在着思想观念落后、认识不到位、业务品种单一、消费观念落后、营销力度不够、工作效率低等问题。

    The existing problems in developing individual consumption loan business for China 's banking industry include : backward in thinking , poor cognition , single business , old-fashioned con-sumption idea , limited marketing , low working efficiency and so on .

  10. 针对指标体系混乱问题,利用货币效用曲线分析影响个人消费贷款履约行为的关键性因素,参考国内外已有的指标体系,构建适合中国国情的商业银行个人信用评估指标体系。

    Concerning on current chaos personal credit index , a personal credit index of commercial banks has been established which references existed index systems in and abroad and applies money effect curve to analyze crucial factors effecting personal consuming loan default behavior .

  11. 随着个人消费贷款业务的不断发展,个人信贷业务暴露出大量的信用风险问题,对个人信贷市场的发展构成了威胁,个人信用风险越来越受到商业银行和监管者的关注。

    With the development of it , however , the credit risk problem exposed on the business has threaten the development of consume credit market , and the commercial banks and its regulators have to pay more attention to the personal credit risks .

  12. 随着个人消费贷款的升温,市场更加规范化和规模化,银行和保险公司纷纷联手推出了履约保证保险,以保证在借款人还款不能时银行的信贷资金安全。

    With the warm up of personal consumer credit , the market become more standard and larger . To make sure the safety of the credit when the borrower can 't pay off the money , the commercial banks and insurers establish the performance-guarantee insurance together .

  13. 个人汽车消费贷款助您实现购车梦想,全面提高生活品质。

    Personal auto loan will help you realize your auto purchase dream and fully improve your life quality .

  14. 同时市场利率的波动对个人住房消费贷款也有重要的影响。

    At the same time the market interest rate fluctuations also have great impact on the personal housing consumption loan .

  15. 个人综合消费贷款是银行向借款人发放的用于指定消费用途的人民币贷款。

    Personal comprehensive consumer loan is referred to the RMB loan provided to the borrower by the bank , used for designated concrete consumption .

  16. 近日,中国保监会对个人汽车消费贷款保证保险旧条款紧急叫停,根本原因在于个人汽车消费贷款保证保险纠纷案件与日俱增。

    Because cases of individual automobile consumer finance guarantee insurance increase steadily , the old article about individual automobile consumer finance guarantee insurance is forbidden .

  17. 个人住房消费贷款是商业银行非常重要的一项零售业务,它在促进房地产业的发展,拉动内需,发展经济中有着十分重要的意义和作用。

    As a vital retail business of the commercial bank , the consumption loan of individual housing is of important significance and function in promoting the development of real estate .

  18. 本公司注册资本为5亿人民币,主要产品是库存金融和零售金融,即为经营日产品牌轿车经销商提供库存融资和为购买日产品牌轿车的个人提供消费贷款。

    The registered capital of DNAF is RMB500million.DNAF focuses on auto finance business , providing floor plan to dealers and retail finance to individual customer who purchases Nissan brand auto .

  19. 对未来完成个人住房消费贷款系统集成,增强个人自主住房消费贷款管理的有序性、高效性和完整性有着积极的意义。

    It has a positive significance on completing individual housing loans system integration and enhancing the orderliness , efficiency and integrity of individual autonomy housing loans management in the future .

  20. 全文针对申请审批、贷款审核、报备、审批登记、等与个人住房消费贷款相关的操作管理交互需求提供了实现方案。

    This paper provides an implementation plan for the interaction demands management of application approval , loan approval , registration , registration approval and other operations related to individual housing loans .

  21. 个人住房消费贷款市场风险直接来自于房地产市场和金融市场。

    To the bank , it is more difficult to anticipate the market risk . The market risk of personal housing consumption loan directly comes from the real estate market and financial markets .

  22. 个人汽车消费贷款是银行向申请购买汽车的借款人发放的人民币担保贷款。具有办理手续简便快捷、担保形式多样、贷款额度高等特点。

    Personal auto loan is the RAM guarantee loan granted by bank to the borrower who applies for purchase of auto , featuring simple transaction procedure , various guarantee forms and high loan line , etc.

  23. 浅谈个人汽车消费不良贷款形成的原因及对策

    Talking about the Reasons of the Formation of Non-performing Personal Auto Loan and Countermeasures

  24. 浅谈发展个人住房消费信贷的问题及对策大力拓展个人消费贷款业务

    Problems and Solutions on Individual Consumption Loan of Housing Devoting Major Efforts to the Development of Individual Consumption Loan Business

  25. 针对个人经营贷款的总体情况分别从贷款增量,个人消费贷款的收益,个贷中间业务收入,以及个人汽车贷款的收益,风险控制,业务流程等方面进行了简要分析。

    For personal business loans , respectively , from the overall situation of incremental loans , loans for personal consumption gains , a loan intermediary business income and personal income auto loans , risk control , business processes and other aspects are briefly analyzed .

  26. 个人住房贷款因其客户数量庞大、安全性高等原因,一直以来都是商业银行重点发展的个人消费贷款品种。

    Individual housing loans has a rapid development in commercial banks for its large number of customers , high security and other features .