
  1. H村私营企业主协会是在协作网络的基础上,在村庄精英的推动下由H村的个体私营企业主自发成立的,兼具经济功能和社会功能,行业性和乡上性的合作组织。

    Association of Private Entrepreneurs in Village H based on collaborative networks and promoted by village elites , is set up spontaneously by entrepreneurs .

  2. 个体私营企业运营环境分析

    Making an analysis of operation enviroment for individual enterprises

  3. 个体私营企业经营中存在的问题及对策

    Problems in Management of Private Enterprises and Countermeasures

  4. 借鉴西方经验促进我国个体私营企业的发展

    Using the Western Experience for Reference to Promote the Development of Private Enterprises in China

  5. 三是个体私营企业偷逃税款现象严重。

    Thirdly , the phenomenon of tax evasion is very serious for individual and private enterprises .

  6. 个体私营企业养老保险参保情况分析&以合肥市为例

    Analysis on Self-employed Entrepreneur and Privately Owned Enterprise Enlisting Endowment Insurance : Taking Hefei as an Example

  7. 总体而言,企业分为三类:个体私营企业、合资企业和股份公司。

    Generally , there are three kinds of enterprises : single-owner operated businesses , partnerships and corporations .

  8. 进一步发展劳动密集型产业,积极发展集体企业和个体私营企业,以提供更多的就业岗位。

    Further develop labor-intensive industries and actively develop collective and private enterprises so as to provide more jobs .

  9. 寻甸东发食品有限公司,是一个以生产天然清真系列牛肉食品为主的个体私营企业。

    Xundian Tung Fat Food Co. , Ltd. , is a series of producing natural beef halal food-based private enterprises .

  10. 政府要充分发挥对个体私营企业的监督、管理和调控的作用,为个体私营经济的发展营造平等竞争的环境和条件。

    Government shall play a full part in supervising ~ managing and regulating , and create equal competitive surroundings and conditions .

  11. 所有制结构分析提出了民营经济是浙江就业量增加的重要渠道。其中在城镇,个体私营企业已经逐渐取代国有及集体单位,成为就业和新增就业的双料冠军。

    By analyzing the ownership structure , this paper holds that the nongovernmental business is the important way to increase the employment of Zhejiang .

  12. 地方特色产业、支柱产业以及个体私营企业的发展,劳动服务中介组织的建立对农村劳动力转移具有促进作用。

    To some degree , the development of local backbone and characteristic industries , establishment of labor agents can improve the migration of rural labors .

  13. 公司专业生产空调压缩机外壳及贮液筒等各种电器配件,历年被评为市区重点个体私营企业。

    Our products , housing of air conditioner and housing of compressor and liquid-storage barrel have honored our company as a key private enterprise in the city .

  14. 这导致了地方政府的横向自主性不可避免地因个体私营企业主全体的强势地位而受到一定程度的影响。

    This leads to the fact that the lateral autonomy of local government is inevitably impaired for the strong position of self-employed and private business owners to a certain degree .

  15. 乡镇和个体私营企业是事故高发单位;(5)切割伤和压砸伤是主要损伤类型,示、拇及中指较易受伤;

    The incidence in town owned and private owned enterprises was higher ,( 5 ) Cutting and extruding were main injury type , index , thumb and middle fingers were easy to be wounded .

  16. 在纳税贡献上,仅个私经济入库地方各税就达66亿元,个体私营企业缴纳税收比重为全省其他企业的16.9%,全省不少民营企业经济在地方经济发展中起到了举足轻重的作用。

    On the contribution of tax payment , the private economy paid 6.6 billion ; it is 16.9 % which the private enterprises paid in others of province . Most of private enterprises made important role in local development of economy .

  17. 针对我国产业结构转换滞后对就业的不利影响,我国应采取积极措施促进第三产业的发展,鼓励引导个体私营企业和中小企业的发展。

    Our country should take the positive affection to promote the development of the tertiary industry to avoid the adverse effect to the employment from the conversion lagging of industrial structure . It is correct to encourage the the individual private enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises .

  18. 我国个体私营乡镇企业发展的影响因素分析

    The analysis of Chinese small private tve 's development

  19. 云南省个体、私营企业多层次抽样调查方案设计

    Stratified Sampling Design Applied in the Individual & Private Business of Yunnan Province

  20. 这里主要研究个体、私营企业和改制后的乡镇企业的发展问题。

    The research here is focused on individual , private enterprises and the development problems of township enterprises after reforming economic systems .

  21. 这给当前仍然处于创业期和成长期的广大中小个体、私营企业以成功的启示。

    This can help the most Chinese small and middle individual and private enterprises which are still at the start or growth stage to succeed .

  22. 经济形态已基本上形成:公有制成份起主要作用的同时非公有制成份比如个体与私营企业获得发展。

    The pattern has basically been formed in which the public sector plays the main role alongside non-public sectors such as individual and private companies to achieve common development .

  23. 急性职业中毒主要分布在化学品生产及运输、食品加工、农药生产和销售部门的个体承包、私营企业;

    While the cases of acute occupational intoxication mainly occurred in private contract and private enterprises including the chemical production and transportation , food processing , agricultural chemical production and selling services .

  24. 中小企业中绝大部分是个体私营或者乡镇企业,据测算,他们解决了中国70%以上的就业,而整个工业资产结构中中小企业则占到了60%以上。

    The majority of SMEs are the individual and private or township enterprises . And it is estimated that they solve more than 70 % of employment in China and they account for more than 60 % of the whole structure of industrial assets .

  25. 本文中的民营企业采用的是狭义的民营企业,即只包括个体工商户、私营企业、集体企业。

    In this thesis , Civilian Enterprise only includes individual merchant , private enterprise , and collectivity enterprise .

  26. 广义的民营企业是对除国有和国有控股企业以外的多种所有制经济的统称,包括个体工商户、私营企业、集体企业、港澳台投资企业和外商投资企业。

    In broad sense , Civilian Enterprise includes individual merchant , private enterprise , collectivity enterprise and foreign investment enterprises .

  27. 城镇小集体企业职工、临时工、个体工商户及私营企业从业人员是扩大基本养老保险覆盖面的重点对象。

    Workers of small enterprises in the towns , casual workers , private business people , workers of the private enterprises are the people to be encluded to receive old age pension .

  28. 佛山个体私营经济20年来的发展启迪人们,知识化、科学化、信息化对个体私营企业是必要和可能的;

    The development of the private individual economy in the past twenty years in Foshan shows that knowledge , science and information are indispensable to the private run enterprises .