
yán jǐn
  • rigorous;strict;well-knit;compact;stern
严谨 [yán jǐn]
  • (1) [stern;strict;rigorous]∶严肃谨慎

  • 说话严谨

  • (2) [compact;well-knit]∶[结构] 严密

  • [结构] 严谨的文章

严谨[yán jǐn]
  1. F公司拥有先进的汽车生产设备,严谨的生产流程,现代化的管理理念和完善的管理机制,并且拥有非常先进的管理信息系统。

    F company owns the advanced production equipment , automobile and strict production process , modern management concepts and perfect management mechanism , and it has a very advanced management system .

  2. 系统软件设计采用delphi编程语言,具有语法严谨、效率高、数据结构灵活的特点的同时,融入了面向对象的编程思想。

    System software design used Delphi programming language which had the characteristics of strict grammar , high-efficiency and flexible data structure and added the object-oriented programming ideas .

  3. 这本书的故事布局十分严谨。

    The book is well organized in terms of plot .

  4. 这出戏的剧情非常严谨。

    The play has a very schematic plot .

  5. 他是一位严谨的学者,一个真正的学问家。

    He is a serious scholar , a genuinely learned man .

  6. 那些人业务精通,作风严谨,态度认真。

    The men were expert , thorough and careful .

  7. 我想,马丁将会是个优秀的法官,他做事沉稳,头脑严谨。

    Martin would be a good judge , I thought . He was calm and thorough

  8. 新的时事系列节目承诺以全新的视角和严谨的态度谈论有挑战性的问题。

    The new current affairs series promises to address challenging issues with freshness and rigour .

  9. 我有着清教徒般严谨的一面。

    There 's a puritanical side to me

  10. 他处事严谨,与他爱张扬的妻子形成了鲜明的对比。

    He was a man of austere habits , in marked contrast to his more flamboyant wife

  11. 该演讲措词严谨。

    The speech was carefully phrased

  12. 他鄙视不严谨的思维。

    He despised loose thinking .

  13. 严肃、严谨、倔强的他同时又冷漠、多疑、敏感、不会变通。

    Formal , exact and obstinate , he was also cold , suspicious , touchy and tactless .

  14. 我要衷心地感谢乔伊斯·汤普森先生,他严谨而卓著的研究给予了我极大的帮助。

    I owe a debt of thanks to Joyce Thompson , whose careful and able research was of great help

  15. 他以治学严谨著称。

    He is noted for his meticulous scholarship .

  16. 文章结构严谨,很有章法。

    The article is well organized and the ideas skilfully presented .

  17. 他对待工作十分严谨,有着良好的思维和开拓精神。

    He handles the work very rigorous , having nice thought and pioneering spirit .

  18. 会计必须十分严谨。

    Accountants have to be very exact .

  19. 这篇文章结构严谨,脉络分明。

    This article is closely knit and presents its ideas in a clear , logical way .

  20. 这篇论文结构严谨。

    The essay is tightly written .

  21. 测量排放量并不是一门严谨的科学,尤其是当其涉及与土地利用相关的问题。

    Measuring emissions is not a precise science , particularly when it comes to issues surrounding land use .

  22. 其成果是一种高质量的、异常严谨的咖啡桌书籍,旨在让人随意翻阅,而不是从头到尾阅读。

    The result is a sort of high-quality , unusually rigorous coffee-table book , designed to be dipped into rather than read from beginning to end .

  23. 校长治校严谨。

    The headmaster ruled the school with a stern discipline .

  24. 有的字体严谨如同钢刻

    Some writing has the precision of a steel engraving .

  25. 但是在我们的商业中,希望是个错误。它替代了理智,替代了严谨–尤其当你的股票成为低价股的时候。

    But hope is a mistaken emotion in our business . It'supplants reason , It'supplants rigor dollarstocks .

  26. 因为虽然我们传统黑人大学主要以学术严谨、奉献社区、目标高远的教育理念而闻名,但大家也知道如何让自己成为耀眼的明星。

    Because while our H.B.C.U.s are mostly known for an education rooted in academic rigor6 , community , higher purpose — they also know how to turn up .

  27. 大肠杆菌严谨型RNA聚合酶的筛选及体内转录活性测定

    Stringent RNA polymerase of E. coli and its in vivo transcriptional activity

  28. 六是GDP统计指标体系结构不严谨,造成国税收入占GDP比重的状态不明晰;

    GDP statistic index problems contribute tovague figure of the national tax incomepereantage in GDP .

  29. 又因为所有Web页面主要部分的格式编排不合理,所以使问题变得更为复杂,其结果是现在的Web浏览器在进行HTML语法分析时非常不严谨。

    The problem is further compounded by the fact that a major portion of all Web pages are not well-formed , a result of the leniency in HTML parsing by modern Web browsers .

  30. Petri网具有图形化的直观性和数学的严谨性,非常适合进行复杂逻辑系统的描述与分析。

    Petri net has the directness of graphics and the preciseness of mathematics , being very fit for the description and analysis of complex logic system .