
zhì ái
  • carcinogenic;oncogenous;cancerogenic;cancerigenic
致癌[zhì ái]
  1. 同时,该组织称,红肉也“可能致癌”,不过目前证据有限。

    Meanwhile , it said red meats were " probably carcinogenic " but there was limited evidence .

  2. N-亚硝基化合物的结构/致癌活性的三维构效关系研究

    Studies on Three-Dimensional Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships Between the Structures of N-Nitroso Compounds and Their Carcinogenic Activities

  3. 脱咖啡因的咖啡仍含一些刺激物和其他可能致癌的有害物质。

    Decaffeinated coffee still contains some stimulants and other nasties linked with cancer .

  4. 脱氧核糖核酸是存在于每个细胞内的基因物质,它承载从头发颜色到致癌风险等各种遗传型板。

    DNA is the genetic material inside every cell that carries the blueprints for everything from hair color to the risk of cancer .

  5. 致癌的真正原因还是个问号。

    The exact cause of cancer is still unknown .

  6. 二恶烷可能致癌。

    1,4-dioxane is likely to cause cancer .

  7. 干细胞除了可累积并保存这些致癌突变外,还具有强大的增殖能力,使它成为癌化的理想目标。

    In addition to accumulating and preserving these oncogenic scars , a stem cell 's enormous proliferative capacity makes it an ideal target for malignancy .

  8. 英国癌症研究院(CancerResearchUK)称,在英国,肥胖是仅次于吸烟的最大的、可预防性的致癌因素。在英国,肥胖是仅次于吸烟的可预防的最大致癌因素。

    Obesity1 is the biggest preventable cause of cancer in the UK after smoking .

  9. 这是五个不同的组织对致癌物的分类。

    These here are five different organizations that classify carcinogens .

  10. 尽管吸烟者数量有所下降,吸烟仍是最常见的致癌原因。

    It remains2 the most common cause of cancer despite a fall in the number of smokers3 .

  11. 而因吸烟致癌的患者数有所下降。癌症与生活方式、食量、吸烟量和运动量之间的联系正变得愈发明显。

    The link between cancer and lifestyle , how much we eat , smoke and exercise is becoming even more stark1 .

  12. 盐水腌制和红糖腌制也同样有效,能降低致癌物达60%。

    The saltwater marinade and the brown sugar marinade also worked very well , decreasing the carcinogens by about 60 percent .

  13. 但是,你所做的任何事情来降低潜在致癌物质的几率,就一定会增加你生活方式的质量。

    However , anything you can do to decrease the risk of potential carcinogens can definitely increase the quality of lifestyle .

  14. 酱油的实验结果还是未知数。这是由于广泛的数据范围,但是看上去酱油实际上增加了潜在的致癌物。

    And the soy sauce results were inconclusive because of the large data range , but it seems like soy sauce actually increased the potential carcinogens .

  15. 致癌的第三大根源是过多接触太阳光或日光浴床中的紫外线辐射而导致的皮肤癌,共有13000起病例。

    Too much ultraviolet radiation from the sun or sunbeds , leading to skin cancer , is the third most common cause , with more than 13000 cases .

  16. 当分析数据时,我发现了很惊人的结果,因为我发现五种腌制调料中有四种实际上能阻止致癌物的组成。

    So when I went through the data , I had very surprising results , because I found that four out of the five marinating ingredients actually inhibited the carcinogen formation .

  17. 所以,我将两种想法综合在一起,创造了一个假说,那就是,因为酸碱度的改变,致癌物很可能因为腌泡汁的浸泡而降低?

    So I combined these two ideas and I formulated a hypothesis , saying that , could possibly the carcinogens be decreased due to a marinade and could it be due to the differences in PH ?

  18. 当同没有经过腌制的鸡肉比较时,也就是我的控制样本,我发现柠檬汁目前是最有效的,能降低致癌物达98%。

    When compared with the unmarinated chicken , which is what I used as my control , I found that lemon juice worked by far the best , which decreased the carcinogens by about 98 percent .

  19. 最后一步是,当我把样本经过高压液相色谱质谱仪,分开混和物质,并且分析其中的化学物质,于是我能很准确得知道在鸡肉中有多少致癌物。

    The final stages , when I ran the samples through a high-pressure liquid chromatography mass spectrometer , which separated the compounds and analyzed the chemicals and told me exactly how much carcinogens I had in my chicken .

  20. 相反,肥胖人群的增加意味着在英国它现在是致癌的第二大原因,每年有22000人因此患癌,此外,肥胖与乳腺癌、肠癌和子宫癌等13种癌症也有关。

    In contrast , the rise in obesity4 , which is linked to 13 different cancers including breast , bowel5 and womb , means it is now the second biggest cause of the disease , affecting 22000 people a year .

  21. 快餐店被告并不是因为在鸡肉中有致癌物质,而是因为加利福尼亚州65号提案,提案要求如果产品中有任何有害成分,公司应该给出明确的警告。

    They weren 't sued because there was carcinogens in the chicken , but they were sued because of California 's Proposition 65 , which stated that if there 's anything dangerous in the products then the companies had to give a clear warning .

  22. 我发现如果增加烧烤时间,致癌物将飞速的增长,所以最好的腌制方式,根据这些(实验结果)也就是,不要生煮,但是一定不要煮过头和烤过头,用柠檬汁,红糖或者盐水来腌制。

    And I found that if you increase the time cooked , the amount of carcinogens rapidly increases . So the best way to marinate chicken , based on this , is to , not under-cook , but definitely don 't over-cook and char the chicken , and marinate in either lemon juice , brown sugar or saltwater .

  23. 黄曲霉毒素B1致癌机制及植物性化学物防治的研究进展

    The possible mechanism of Aflatoxin B_1 Hepatocarcinogenesis and preventive effects of phytochemicals

  24. 以DNA加合物为生物标志物研究钱塘江水系致癌物水平

    DNA adducts as biomarker of carcinogen exposure in wild crucian from Qiantang Valley

  25. 应用DNA芯片技术结合核技术对辐射致癌分子机制的研究

    Application of DNA chip and nuclear technology to study on molecular mechanism of radiation carcinogenesis

  26. 化学致癌物诱导悬浮大鼠肝细胞DNA非程序合成的研究

    A study on unscheduled DNA synthesis in freshly suspended rat liver cells induced by chemical carcinogens

  27. 丙型肝炎病毒核心蛋白致癌作用的研究B和C基因型HBV核心蛋白促细胞凋亡的比较

    Comparison of effect on hepatocellular apoptosis between core proteins of hepatitis B virus genotype B and C

  28. 综述了遗传毒性化学物质与DNA的加合作用,以及DNA加合物形成后在致癌作用中的影响。

    Review on combination of genotoxic chemicals with DNA and the effects of DNA adduct formation on carcinogenesis were presented .

  29. 到目前为止,人类对砷的毒性作用机制还不是很清楚,但存在多种假设:氧化应激,影响细胞增殖,产生基因毒性如影响DNA甲基化、协同致癌、肿瘤促发等。

    The exact mechanism of the action of arsenical toxicity is not known clearly , but several hypotheses have been proposed .

  30. 适用于检测能引起DNA链断裂的间接致突变物和致癌物。

    And , FADU is also suita - ble for the detection of DNA strand breaks caused by indirect mutagens and carcinogens .