- biped

Later lessons focus on advanced work with the biped .
The animation template is a biped walking motion under normal condition that defined by the script language .
The biceps muscle of the thigh bends the leg ; the quadriceps straightens it .
Human beings and birds are bipeds .
Primitive dinosaur actually lacking horns and having only the beginning of a frill ; long hind and short front limbs ; may have been bipedal .
Known as bipedalism , our habitual upright posture is unique in the animal kingdom and has arisen through specific complementary adaptations of the body and brain .
The gait of a human being or other biped in which the feet are lifted alternately with one part of a foot always on the ground .
In writing about these people , Idid not forget they are human beings , still human beings with the basic nature of hairless , two-legged animals .
This megalosaurus for instance is a shame walking on all four legs , but we now know he would have be bipedal if he would have stood on just his hind legs and his forelegs would have been quite small and lifted it right up off the ground .
Were the first flyers arboreal creatures that initially glided from tree tops to the ground ? Or were they bipedal ground runners whose evolving wings allowed them to take progressively longer jumps ?