
sì jiǎo hào mǎ
  • Four-Corner System
  1. 四角号码法及其优化

    The Four - Corner Coding System and Its Optimization

  2. 四角号码的由来及其字频输入码研究

    On the Origin of the Four Angles Number & Its Word Frequency Import Code

  3. 计算机汉字输入技术的现状和发展趋势推介一种简捷的计算机汉字输入法&四角号码输入法

    Introduce a simple and fast method of Chinese characters input : foursquare number input method

  4. 著者姓名汉语拼音与四角号码数字混编书次号的研究

    Mixed book number of the Chinese phonetic alphabets and the four-corner system numerals for the author 's name

  5. 书次号设计探讨&首字母四角号码著者号编制方法

    A Discussion on Designing of Library Book Number & Author Numbering Method Based on Initials and Quadrangle Code of Chinese Characters

  6. 论述了笔者所在图书馆书次号由四角号码改编为种次号的过程,以及给编目工作带来的方便。

    The author expounded the course of the book-number adapt from four mao number to plant once times , and the convenience in catalogue brought by the work .

  7. 用四角号码加汉字第一个拚音字母作检索号,并采用二分搜索法查找。

    The four corner number of Chinese characters plus the first letter of Chinese phonetic alphabet is adopted as the number of retrieval , and the " Binary Search " is used for seeking .