
liǎng chóng
  • double;dual;twofold;duplex
两重 [liǎng chóng]
  • [double;dual;twofold;duplex] 特征明显不同的两种

  • 几乎每个人都具有两重性格

  • 两重唱

两重[liǎng chóng]
  1. 两重RT-PCR同步检测菊花B病毒和番茄不孕病毒

    Detection of Chrysanthemum virus B and Tomato aspermy virus by double RT-PCR

  2. 肉及肉制品中肠致病性大肠杆菌两重PCR检测方法的建立

    Development of methods on detection of enteropathogenic escherichia coli by double PCR in meat and meat product

  3. 新旧社会两重天。

    The old and new societies are two different worlds .

  4. 犹太复国主义的两重性对以巴和平产生的影响也是双重的,利弊兼有

    The duality analysis reveals that Zionism is both favorable and derogative to the Israeli-Palestinian peace .

  5. “格格”这个词在这里有两重意思:第一,“格格”表示这一类人多是娇生惯养,以自我为中心;

    The word " princess " here has two implications : first , " ge ge " , the Chinese equivalent for " princess " , means people in this clan are mostly spoiled and thus very much self-centered ;

  6. 变质元素钠和碲在Al-Si合金中作用的两重性

    The double effects of modifying elements in aluminium-silicon alloys

  7. Navier-Stokes方程流函数形式两重网格算法的误差分析

    Two-Grid Error Estimates for the Stream Function Form of Navier - Stokes Equations

  8. 不可压缩Navier-Stokes方程的压力投影两重网格稳定化人工粘性方法

    A Two-grid Artificial Viscosity Method Based on Pressure Projection for Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations

  9. 在与单一PCR相同的反应条件下,47个两重PCR组合出现5种不同的扩增情况,其中30个组合扩增正常;

    Under the same conditions as single PCR reaction , 47 two-PCR-sets appeared five different amplification behaviors , of which 30 were amplified normally .

  10. Navier-Stokes方程带Backtracking技巧的两重网格算法

    A two-grid method with backtracking technique for the Navier-Stokes equations

  11. 解EHL问题的新算法&两重网格牛顿迭代算法

    New Method for EHL Solutions & Two-grid Newton Iteration Algorithm

  12. 第一重GA循环用于优化神经网络结构,第二重GA循环进一步优化神经网络的连接权重。两重GA循环可以搜索确定用于故障诊断的最优神经网络。

    The dual GA loops are designed for optimizing both topology and connection weights of the neural network and establishing global optimal neural network for fault diagnosis .

  13. 从F函数发展到G函数,既体现了农业经济学有关理论的一定进展,也体现了面对两重市场困难的农业经济实践的一些经验。

    The evolution from function F to function G is an indication of the progress of the relevant theories in agricultural economics and the practical experiences of agricultural economy in the context of the double-fold marketing difficulties .

  14. 将原来的单重EIT(只在某一个频率处附近发生的EIT)推广到两重或多重透明。

    The single EIT ( near a frequency ) has been generalized to double or multi-ply EIT which simultaneously happens at different frequency .

  15. 可见光通信是一种新兴的、短距离高速无线光通信技术。目前,由于在该通信系统中,通常会选择白光LED作为通信光源,因此可见光通信系统融合了照明与通信两重功能。

    Visible light communication is a novel , high-data-rate and short-range wireless optical communication technology . Currently , we tend to choose white LED as communication light source in the communication system , so visible light communication system combines the double function of lighting and communication .

  16. 该方法用一个附加的参考反射镜在半导体激光器(LD)和目标间形成两重外腔,参考外腔用于补偿光学频率涨落引入的相位误差。

    The developed technique uses an additional reference reflector to form dual external cavities between the LD and the target , and reference external cavity is used to compensate the phase error due to optical frequency fluctuation .

  17. G.E.摩尔伦理学思想的两重性

    Two-Layer Properties of G.E.Moore 's Thoughts of Ethics

  18. JS-4正性光刻胶两重性的研究

    A Study of Image Duality of JS-4 Positive Photoresist

  19. 发现了炉渣碱度对Ti迁移的两重性影响:当渣中TiO2含量较高时,提高碱度将抑制Ti的还原;而在TiO2含量较低时,提高碱度则促进Ti的还原。

    It seems that the basicity of slag serves a dual influence : to increase the basicity in slag with higher TiO_2 content may restrain from the reduction of Ti , while with lower TiO_2 content may accelerate the Ti reduction .

  20. 农产品供给告别短缺,两重市场困难,迫使农业经济分析由过去的侧重生产的单一分析,即F函数分析,发展到生产和需求相结合的综合分析。

    The end of the shortage of agricultural products and double-fold marketing difficulties are the causes of the transformation of agricultural economic analysis from the single analysis solely focused on production , or the analysis of function F , to the synthetic analysis combining production and demand ;

  21. 本文介绍了北京地铁DK9型电动客车采用两重两相斩波调压的设计特点和性能试验。

    This article introduces the design feature and performance test of DK9 motor coach with two-phase-double-circuits in Beijin Underground .

  22. 结果表明在不增加开关频率的前提下,比三电平逆变器消除的输出电压谐波次数更多,使逆变器输出LC滤波器的设计更加容易,同时可有效地均分两重串桥的有功功率输出。

    The simulation results show that the output voltage quality without increasing the switching frequency is much better than that of an NPC 3-level inverter . In addition , the LC filter design is easier , and the real power output between cells is equalized with the control strategy .

  23. Demarest让这些玛雅人成为了他的文物挖掘项目的权益持有人,从而达成了两重目的:为这些玛雅人提供长期就业机会,并激励他们保护文物遗址不被洗劫。

    By making them stakeholders in his excavations , Demarest fulfils a twofold vision : providing them with both long-term employment and an incentive to protect the excavation sites from looting .

  24. 论先秦秦汉时期的两重君主观

    On the Dual Concept of Monarchy in Pre-Qin and Qin-Han Periods

  25. 试析高校图书馆藏书建设在评估两重性影响下的对策

    Countermeasures for collect books construction of university library under education evaluation

  26. 当今世界经济发展可谓悲喜两重天。

    Today , essentially two global economies exist side by side .

  27. 悖论:事物两重性特征的反映

    Paradox & A Reflection of the Characteristic of Thing 's Duality

  28. 两重社会必要劳动时间与价值决定的多重均衡

    Multiple-balance of Necessary Labor Time in Dual Society and Value Measurement

  29. 这多种思想因素的结合,使《坎特伯雷故事》呈现出鲜明的两重性。

    The combination of these factors makes Canterbury Tales show duality .

  30. 数控车床故障分布的两重威布尔分段模型

    Sectional model involving two Weibull distributions for CNC lathe failure probability