
yè zhàng
  • money;evil creature;vile spawn;a term of abuse formerly used by the elders of a clan cursing their juniors
业障 [yè zhàng]
  • (1) [evil creature;vile spawn]∶佛教指妨碍修行的罪恶

  • (2) [a term of abuse formerly used by the elders of a clan cursing their juniors]∶长辈骂不肖子弟的话

  • (3) [money]∶借指金钱

  • 应伯爵因记挂着二人许了他些业障儿,趁此机会好向他要。--《金瓶梅》

业障[yè zhàng]
  1. 骄傲是我们最麻烦的业障、最大的障碍。

    Pride is our most troublesome karma , our greatest obstacle .

  2. 第一个问题,过去的业障从哪里来?

    First question , where does the past karma come from ?

  3. 感谢鞭打过我的人,因为他消除了我的业障。

    Thanks to those who have lashed me because they cleared my way .

  4. 但相对来说,消业障的功效比较大。

    But relatively , the efficacy of karma .

  5. 业障分为哪两种?

    What are the two types of karma ?

  6. 我们不要太担心业障。

    Dont worry so much about karma .

  7. 业障深重的人,一天到晚都在看别人的过失与缺点,真正修行的人,从不会去看别人的过失与缺点。

    Those deeply sinned see others'rights and wrongs all the time ; those genuinely cultivated see none .

  8. 然而,业障还是要清付,休息了一天之后,我又回到现实的世界工作。

    However , my karma called , and after just one day I was back in the real work-a-day world .

  9. 关于业障有很多答案,但可以总结为两个主要的目的。

    There are many answers to this , but in summary there are two main purposes that we have karma .

  10. 你看,你都坏到这种程度,连杀一只蟑螂也把业障送给别人。

    You even went to the extent of trying to transfer your sin of killing a cockroach to someone else .

  11. 太阳西沉,夜自东方迅速展开,给大地遮上了一层黑暗的业障。

    The sun at last went down , and the swift , Eastern night cast its heavy veil over the scene .

  12. 他们不但不承认你们的功劳,又说你们有业障,让你们更伤心而已!

    They do not acknowledge your contribution ; instead , they say you have karmic debt and make you feel more miserable !

  13. 我们那个时候知道来这里为了专心突破等级,所以等级会提高,把业障留在后面。

    We knew that was the sole purpose of coming to a retreat here , so our levels were uplifted and our karma left behind .

  14. 过去宿业所带来的业障,如能以欢喜心去接受,就可以重业轻受。

    Accept with a heart of joy the obstructions brought on by karma which were caused by past actions ; thus minimizing the retribution of bad karma .

  15. 在学佛的过程中善知识首先教我们忏悔业障与为历代宗亲做超度。

    The first few things we need to do in Buddhist practice are to confess our karma and to have the souls of our past relatives released from purgatory .

  16. 他马上破口大骂:你这个业障很深重的人,你不知道我闭关打坐一年刚回来吗?

    He shouted at the guy , you , of fathomless karma ! Dont you know who I am ? I just came back from one year of seclusion !

  17. 不过,前提是那些人的业障必须不很深重,否则,即使有很多人帮助他们,他们也接收不到。

    But thats so if these people are not too heavy , with heavy karma , otherwise even if many people help them , they cant receive their help .

  18. 一个人一生之中若能见到其中任何一颗舍利,都是多生修来福报!若您见到了如来真身舍利,又能发心恭敬礼拜供养,必将福慧增长无量,业障消除,一生吉祥!

    If you see a Tathagata Mami relic , but also respectful of worship heart fat dependent , Fu-hui will surely immeasurable growth , the elimination of karma , and his good fortune !

  19. 修金刚萨垛心咒除能迅速忏除业障外,因金刚萨垛世尊是一切上师本尊的总集体,所以此修法也包括了一切上师本尊的修法。

    King mantra in gaza palletizer repair rapidly due to karma , or the king except the pizza palletizer is all the guru , so the total collective practice also includes all the guru this honour .