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  • 网络Deeply Entering One Door
  1. 本文的结语主要探讨法门的选择,及选定后一门深入的问题。

    The concluding remarks of this article of the Famennian choice and selected after an in-depth questions .

  2. 目前,人们越来越意识到水景景观的重要性,也把水景景观的设计作为一门学科深入研究学习,水作为景观融入人类的每一种生活空间。

    At present , people are increasingly aware of the importance of landscape water features , and treat it as a discipline in-depth research study . Water landscape becomes an important landscape integrate into every kind of human living space .

  3. 选一门课程,深入到四川省,或者找一下罗赛达石(译者注:解释古埃及象形文字的可靠线索)软件自学拉丁文。

    Enroll in a class , embed in deepest Sichuan province , or simply pick up Rosetta Stone software and teach yourself Latin . 3 .

  4. 每月新闻组将为订阅者提供一门特定课程的深入指导。

    Each month , this newsletter offers subscribers an in-depth guide to one particular subject .