
yè shī
  • a form of address for teachers who have taught oneself;teacher
业师 [yè shī]
  • [teacher] 指教育过自己的老师

  • 因去岁业师回南,在家温习旧课。--《红楼梦》

业师[yè shī]
  1. 拉丁方设计的多元分析&业师赵仁镕教授逝世周年纪念

    Multivariate Statistical Analysis of Latin & square Design

  2. “我因业师上年回家去了,也现荒废着呢.”

    " My tutor went home last year , so I 'm at a loose end myself for the time being . "

  3. 本文力图将梁章钜与业师翁方纲共置于当时的历史背景中,探究梁章钜与翁方纲的交游关系以及梁章钜的书法题跋所受翁方纲的影响。

    This thesis intends to probe into Liang Zhangju 's association with Weng Fanggang , his teacher , and the influence of Weng on Liang 's calligraphy annotations in this historic background .

  4. “家父之意,亦欲暂送我去温习旧书,待明年业师上来,再各自在家里读。”

    " My father wanted to send me to this school to go over the old lessons until my tutor returns next year , when I can go on studying alone at home . "

  5. 丝绸之路文学研究是业师王锺陵先生提出的一个崭新的构想,这是超国界、越民族、跨地域的国际性课题,具有令人憧憬的巨大内涵。

    The study of the Silk Road literature , proposed by Prof. Wang Zhong-ling , my supervisor , is a new scheme of international interest and great promise which transcends national , ethnical and regional boundaries .