
  • 网络Business Object
  1. 这两个操作都以一个Order业务对象作为输入参数。

    Both operations take an Order business object as input .

  2. 要创建Order业务对象,请按照以下步骤进行操作

    To create the Order business object , follow these steps

  3. 请注意,我们并没有向此组件传递整个Order业务对象。

    Notice that we did not pass the entire Order to this component .

  4. 这可让我们将order业务对象设置为变量。

    This enabled us to set the order business object as the variable .

  5. 创建Order业务对象类型

    Creating the Order business object type

  6. 例如,假定Order业务对象是触发一个转换的操作的输入。

    For example , suppose an Order business object was the input of the operation that triggered a transition .

  7. 您需要从此通用结构映射到特定的Action业务对象。

    You need to map from this generic structure into the specific Action business object .

  8. 它使用FTP的get和put命令与应用程序交换业务对象。

    It uses FTP get and put commands to exchange business objects with applications .

  9. 在创建业务对象时,实际上您正在创建XML模式。

    When creating a business object , you are actually creating an XML schema .

  10. 您可以使用XML编辑器打开该业务对象,以便进行查看。

    You can open the business object using an XML editor to see it .

  11. 列1包含表单名,它表示了业务对象类型,比如Customer或Order。

    Column one contains the form name , representing the business object type , such as Customer or Order .

  12. 例如,Order业务对象可以具有一个客户字段,而这个字段又可以反过来转变为Customer业务对象。

    For example , an Order business object may have a customer field which in turn is a Customer business object .

  13. 在生成代码的同时,这些业务对象也被转换为Java类。

    Coupled with code generation , these business objects can then be transformed into Java classes .

  14. 上述步骤完成之后,从BusinessIntegration视图选择新创建的业务对象,然后添加一个新人工任务。

    After the above steps , select the newly created business process from the Business Integration view and add a new human task .

  15. 还有两个新按钮,分别用于在大纲视图中显示业务对象和显示业务对象的Properties选项卡。

    Two new buttons are provided to show the business object in the outline view and to show the Properties tab for the business object .

  16. 当组件接收到来自门户的订单已装运的通知之后,它将更新的Order业务对象返回至装运业务流程。

    When the component receives notification from the portal that the order was shipped , it returns the updated Order business object to the shipping business process .

  17. 这使得缺省序列化器能够将此XML消息转换为可以在中介中操作的业务对象。

    This enables the default serializer to transform this XML message into a business object we can manipulate in the mediation .

  18. 列表中显示的搜索类型对应Marketing业务对象编辑器定义中定义的搜索定义。

    The search types that appear in this list correspond to the search definitions that are defined in the Marketing business object editor definition .

  19. 与此类似,将基于类型对资源进行归类:业务对象位于DataTypes下,而每个组件的接口位于Interfaces下。

    Similarly , it categorizes your resources by type : your business objects are under Data Types and the interfaces for each component are under Interfaces .

  20. Intermediate对象是代表那些被用于构建事件处理逻辑的业务对象。

    Intermediate objects are representations of business objects that are used by the person constructing the event processing logic .

  21. 在业务对象编辑器打开时,向业务对象添加一个名为message的属性,并将其类型指定为string。

    When the business object editor opens , add an attribute called message to the business object and make it type string .

  22. 业务对象的基本结构是XML架构定义(XSD)。

    The underlying structure of a business object is an XML schema definition ( XSD ) .

  23. 在此示例中,SAP系统包含有关客户业务对象的数据。

    In the example , the SAP system contains data on the customer business object .

  24. 在我们的更新情况中,您将发送一个表示在中介模块中定义的业务对象的XML格式的字符串。

    In our updated scenario , you will send an XML-formatted string that represents the business object that we defined in the mediation module .

  25. EnterpriseServiceDiscovery向导为出站适配器生成接口操作后,还需要生成下列业务对象和业务图形对

    The interface operations that the Enterprise Service Discovery wizard generates for an outbound adapter require the following business object and business graph pairs to be generated as well

  26. 这些代码使用SCA服务管理器查找业务对象工厂(BusinessObjectFactory),后者用于从XML模式中创建业务对象。

    The code uses the SCA service manager to locate the Business Object Factory , which is used to create business objects from XML schemas .

  27. 这个EPR业务对象仅包含一个名为address的字段,并且我们使用了缺省命名空间。

    The EPR business object contains a single field named address , and we use the default namespace .

  28. 向业务对象BO1添加类型为string的属性Address。

    Add the attribute Address of type string to the business object BO1 .

  29. 例如,参数类型(WSDL消息部分)显示为业务对象。

    For example , the parameter types ( the WSDL message parts ), display as business objects .

  30. 人工任务、接口映射和业务对象映射是对WebSphereIntegrationDeveloper提供的各种组件类型的有用补充。

    Human tasks , interface maps , and business object maps are useful complements to the various component types available with WebSphere Integration Developer .