- 网络World Reserve Currency;Global reserve currency

It still has huge advantages over other rich countries : a younger , less-taxed population , a more innovative economy and , for now at least , the dollar as the global reserve currency .
Meanwhile , earlier this year , China 's central bank governor caused a stir in global currency markets when he proposed replacing the US dollar as the world 's reserve currency with Special Drawing Rights , the IMF 's unit of account .
But what about the benefits to the US of reserve currency status ?
Also gnawing at the dollar is continuing chatter about its role as the world 's reserve currency .
The time is going to come when the dollar is not the world 's reserve currency any more .
As for the U.S. , the dollar is the reserve currency and we have the benefit of printing money .
The regime of which the dollar is the centerpiece , in its role as the world 's reserve currency , is now teetering .
Reserve status increases US borrowing , and thus undermines the ability of the US Treasury to finance itself cheaply more than would losing reserve status .
With the exception perhaps of the euro , which may emerge in the next decade , no other currency has the necessary characteristics to allow it plausibly to serve the needs of the global economy .
Jan 20th 2011 | from PRINT EDITION IN 1965 Val é ry Giscard d'Estaing , then France 's finance minister , complained that America , as the issuer of the world 's reserve currency , enjoyed " an exorbitant privilege . "
These reasons not to like the dollar are trumped by its enduring appeal as the world 's reserve currency .
Euro has attracted people 's attention as a new currency since it came into being . Its existence is a major challenge to the main reservation currencies and currencies of settlement in the world .
On a trade-weighted basis , the world 's foremost reserve currency has marched 4.5 per cent higher over the past five weeks - gaining with relatively risky assets such as equities as US recovery prospects have brightened - while the euro , sterling and yen have all retreated .
Americawill be the first port of call for anxious investors for as long as it remains the world 's main reserve currency .