
  • 网络the world;The World Islands;world island
  1. 受委托为迪拜世界岛中的东京岛完成规划设计。

    MAD is commissioned to design the Tokyo Island in the WORLD , Dubai .

  2. 他断言,谁统治了心脏地带,谁就控制了世界岛;谁统治了世界岛,谁就控制了世界。

    He has asserted that those who has governed the heart zone will control World Island and those Who has governed World Island will control the world .

  3. 谁统治世界岛谁就能主宰全世界。

    Who rules the worldisland commands the world .

  4. 该项目的困境与迪拜在全球金融危机爆发前开工的“世界岛”项目遭遇的麻烦如出一辙。

    Its troubles echo those of another project that goes by the same name the archipelago of island homes started in Dubai before the global financial crisis .

  5. 论公司债券受托管理制度及我国的制度构建受委托为迪拜世界岛中的东京岛完成规划设计。

    On Managing Scheme about Trusteeship of Corporate Bonds and Its Construction in China Market ; MAD is commissioned to design the Tokyo Island in the WORLD , Dubai .

  6. 中国西北边疆地处欧亚大陆腹地,是传统地缘政治理论中所谓的世界岛战略支点的重要组成部分。

    The Northwest frontier of China situated in the hinterland of Eurasia , and it is an important part of so called the strong point of " World Island " in the traditional theory of Geopolitics .

  7. 克莱因丁斯特集团刚刚被批准建造42所别墅,别墅价格还有待商榷,作为世界岛项目的一部分,每个别墅在阿拉伯湾都有属于自己的一块地。

    Kleindienst Group have just been given the green light for 42 villas , the price of which is yet to be determined , that will each have their own plot in the Arabian Gulf as part of the World Islands Project .

  8. 格陵兰是全世界最大的岛,接近北极,是一个冰封的白色世界。

    Caption : : Greenland is the largest island in the world , its location is near the North Pole , it is a world of snow and ice .

  9. 据游客介绍,在当天早上8点半之前,排队等待入园的长龙已经将位于环球影城的冒险岛乐园外围得水泄不通。魔法世界是冒险岛乐园六大特色板块之一。

    Visitors said that by 8:30 am the line to get inside wrapped around the exterior of Universal 's Islands of Adventure park , of which the Wizarding World is one of six unique sections .

  10. 根据上海市发布的《崇明生态岛建设纲要(2010-2020)》,崇明岛将按照建设世界级生态岛的总体目标,把生态保护和环境建设放在更加突出的位置。

    According to " Chongming Eco-Island Construction Program ( 2010-2020 )", the ecological protection and environmental construction will be placed on a more prominent place in light of the overall target of building a world-class ecological island .

  11. 登上了世界自然遗产弗雷泽岛。

    Up to Frasier Island , which is a world heritage site .

  12. 还有许多从世界各地移居巴厘岛的海外人士。

    Lots of interesting expatriates from all over the world who live here in Bali .

  13. 而那些温暖的海洋导致冰帽融化,除此之外,冰川及在世界上如格陵兰岛的其他大型冰地区会融化。

    and those warmer oceans are causing melting ice caps , and beyond that , melting of glaciers and other large ice areas in the world , for example , Greenland .

  14. 棕榈岛是棕榈形的庞大海上城市,现在迪拜为了稳居世界舞台决定打造世界岛。

    From the depths of the Arabian Gulf , 300 new islands are appearing above the waves to form the world map .