
shì xì
  • lineage;genealogy;pedigree;stock;bloodline;parentage
世系 [shì xì]
  • [genealogy;pedigree] 指一姓世代相承的系统

  • 这样,在他想来,就可以把他的世系和乡里籍贯原原本本地叙明。--《堂吉诃德》

世系[shì xì]
  1. 论文的第一部分是谢氏的世系与历史。

    The first chapter is the bloodline and history of family Xie .

  2. 这大概是外国移民的生命力具有较强的生物系世系的选择性之故。

    It is possible that the ardor of foreign migration is more selective of hardy biological stock .

  3. 他们的世系可以直接追溯到18世纪。

    They can trace their lineage directly back to the 18th century .

  4. 这个家族将自己的世系追溯到诺曼征服者。

    The family has traced its ancestry to the Norman invaders .

  5. 大家被世系深深地吸引了,这真有些让人始料未及。但凡昨天被该项目的英国DNA计划感兴趣的人都会同意这一点。

    Suddenly entrance , ancestry has become fascinating , as anyone gripped by Britain 's DNA Project on this programme yesterday will agree .

  6. 在鳄属内,结果支持其分为两个世系:NewWorld和Indopacificgroups组,并且尼罗鳄(C.niloticus)与NewWorldcrocodilians构成姐妹群。

    In Crocodylus , the results agreed this genus to be divided into two separate lineages : New World and Indopacific groups and then C. niloticus form the sister taxon to the New World crocodilians .

  7. H7N9可能是从鸭和鸡中的至少四种病毒成分演变而来,在过去的几个月已经分成两个世系。

    H7N9 probably evolved from at least four viral components in ducks and chickens – and has already split into two lineages during the past few months , the Lancet paper says .

  8. 他追踪自己的世系上溯至一个古老的诺曼家族。

    He traces his descent back to an old norman family .

  9. 在古代的氏祖中,只有按女性下传的世系。

    In the ancient geus descent was limited to the female line .

  10. 这个家族将自己的世系追溯至诺曼征服者。

    The family has traced its ancestry back to the Norman invaders .

  11. 他们追溯他们的世系脉络至法国一个公爵。

    They trace their line of descent back to a French duke .

  12. 世系:对谱主的世系进行了考察。

    The lineage : Exploring the lineage of the master .

  13. 同形的具有类似的结构或外表但世系不同的。

    Having a similar structure or appearance but being of different ancestry .

  14. 由先祖制作的活尸则继承其世系。

    Any Prometheans the Progenitor then creates inherit his Lineage .

  15. 公侯,愚钝世系的残渣们。

    Princes , the dregs of their dull race , who flow .

  16. 戈岱可认为有人曾经企图恢复正统的王朝世系。

    Gedes thinks that an attempt was made to restore the legitimate line .

  17. 辽外戚萧和家族世系表新补

    Supplement to the table of XIAO He family pedigree

  18. 兰陵萧氏早期之世系及其门第之兴起考论

    Research on the Early Lineage and the Rising of the Xiao Family of Lanling

  19. 就算只能做出一个世系图表也已经足够了。

    Even the mere drawing up of tables of descent may well be sufficient .

  20. 司马氏家族世系的文化内涵考释

    The Cultural Implication of Sima 's Family Genealogy

  21. 我们如果有一个真实的宗谱,则依世系的分类法必被普遍采用。

    If we had a real pedigree , a genealogical classification would be universally preferred .

  22. 这些骏马的世系可以追溯到几千年前的内志王朝。

    The bloodlines of these steeds go back thousands of years to the Nejd dynasty .

  23. 可是并非任何一个家族都可以拿来当作一个王族的世系。

    But the first family that comes to hand does not suffice to make a dynasty .

  24. 中国古代世系学研究

    Studies on Genealogy of Ancient China

  25. 作为虞氏的世系,现在可考的有幕等十五个名号,而不止是尧舜禅让中的舜一代五十年,是古代史上实际存在很长时期的一个朝代,具有特殊的历史地位。

    In fact , this dynasty stood for many years and has a unique historical status .

  26. 战国屈氏世系及其对屈原的影响《大招》为战国时期楚地民间招魂词之原始记录说

    The Pedigree of the Qus in the Warring States Period and Its Impact on Qu Yuan

  27. 但是,当世系还是按母权制来确定的时候,这是不可能的。

    This , however , was impossible so long as descent was reckoned according to mother-right .

  28. 松江府宋氏家族世系及文学成就概述

    A Survey of Song Family 's Lineage in the Songjiang Prefecture and Their Achievements in Literary Creation

  29. 从现存文献记载归纳出的四种五帝谱系来看,其基本框架是一致的,只是个别世系略有差别。

    There are four such pedigrees in the existing documents which are quite similar except minor differences .

  30. 世系古老的家族,世家

    A family of ancient extraction