
kè lā
  • carat;karat
克拉 [kè lā]
  • [carat] 宝石(如钻石和珍珠)的重量单位;国际上1克拉相当于200毫克--符号c,亦称国际克拉(international carat)、公制克拉

克拉[kè lā]
  1. 莉莉举起手来说:“看,这块石头好看吗?”莉边说边秀着她十克拉的钻戒。

    Holding her hand in the air , Lily said , " So , do you like my stone ? " showing off her 10 carat diamond ring .

  2. 据DailyMail的报道,她与丈夫Dave遍寻婚戒无果,最终不得不重新买了戒指来替换丢失的那枚9克拉的戒指。

    She and husband Dave searched for the ring to no avail , and Dave ended up replacing the nine carat ring , according to The Daily Mail .

  3. 这块宝石高28.6毫米,重139.43克拉。

    The gemstone is 28.6 millimetres high and weighs 139.43 carats .

  4. 在克拉珀姆枢纽站有条很不错的英国铁路线。

    There 's a good British Rail link at Clapham Junction .

  5. 科恩抱怨克拉维斯非要在他的买卖中插上一脚。

    Cohen complained that Kravis was muscling in on his deal

  6. 我们把这些转述给了克拉伊切克。

    We reported this back to Krajicek

  7. 他写了一篇关于俄克拉荷马州一家地方银行兴衰的精彩传奇故事。

    He wrote a brilliant saga of the rise and collapse of a bank in Oklahoma .

  8. 俄克拉荷马州的几所学校今年早些时候做出了一些改变,一些学校告诉CBS新闻报道说,在改变后,更多的老师想在那里教书。

    Several school in Oklahoma made the some move earlier this year , and some them told CBS News Reports that more teachers wanted to teach there after the change .

  9. 2004年,一场可怕的风暴袭击了小镇,六岁的扎克拉着一辆马车穿过他的社区,为有需要的人收集食物。

    When a terrible storm hit town in 2004 , Zach , when six , pulled a wagonthrough his community and collected food for people in need .

  10. 例句他说了那些话之后,克拉丽斯决定不邀请他参加聚会,把他晾一边。

    After what he said2 , Clarisse decided3 not to invite4 him to the party and left him in the cold .

  11. 克拉奇特,如果我再听到你发出声音,今年圣诞你的饭碗就丢了!

    Let me hear another sound out of you , Cratchit , and you 'll keep Christmas by losing your situation !

  12. 《静水城》的大致情节基于阿曼达·诺克斯谋杀案件。马特·达蒙在该片中饰演居住在美国俄克拉荷马州静水城的肌肉发达、留着大胡子、戴着棒球帽的石油工人比尔·贝克。

    Loosely based on the Amanda Knox case , Stillwater stars a brawny3 , bearded , baseball-capped Matt Damon as Bill Baker4 , an oil worker who lives in Stillwater , Oklahoma .

  13. B组用奥美拉唑联合甲硝唑、克拉仙15mg/(kg·d)。

    Group B omeprazole , metronidazole and klacid 15mg / ( kg · d );

  14. 阿莫西林克拉维酸钾泡腾片的HPLC测定

    Determination of Amoxicillin Potassium Clavulanate Effervescent Tablets by HPLC

  15. 目的:建立阿莫西林-克拉维酸血药浓度的HPLC法。

    AIM : To establish a HPLC method for the determination of amoxycillin-clavulanic acid in human plasma .

  16. 对扬子克拉通西缘四川康定冕宁变质基底的新认识来自Nd同位素的证据

    New recognition of kangding-mianning metamorphic complexes from sichuan , Western Yangtze Craton : evidence from Nd isotopic composition

  17. 方位估计的克拉美-罗界改进算法研究水下宽带目标方位估计的克拉美-罗界恒模特性在DOA中的新应用及其克拉美-罗界研究

    A New DOA Algorithm Based on Constant Modulus Property and It 's Cramer-Rao Bounds

  18. 方法采用HPLC,比较阿莫西林和克拉维酸钾单独存在及复方后杂质谱的变化。

    METHODS The impurity profiling changes of amoxicillin plus potassium clavulanate were compared with both amoxicillin and potassium clavulanate alone by HPLC .

  19. 中朝克拉通老于38亿年的残余陆壳&离子探针质谱锆石微区U-Pb年代学证据

    The remnants of ≥ 3 800 Ma crust in Sino-Korean craton ─── the evidence from ion microprobe U-Pb dating of Zircons

  20. 本文考察了溶剂种类、晶种、搅拌速率、流加速率、溶液pH值、结晶温度等工艺条件对克拉维酸钾反应结晶过程的影响。

    Factors influencing the potassium clavulanate crystallization , such as solvents , crystal seeds , stirring rate , reactant adding rate , pH and temperature , were investigated .

  21. 结果替卡西林钠-克拉维酸钾与pH较低的左氧氟沙星、阿米卡星配伍产生沉淀,加碱性试液pH升高后,溶液变澄清。

    Results Precipitate happened in the compatibility of Ticarcillin / Clavulanate acid with low pH drugs such as Levofloxacin and Amikacin . The precipitate was dissolved by adding sodium hydroxide solution .

  22. 华北地区自早元古代结晶基底形成以后的沉积盖层发育演化可划分为五个阶段:拗拉槽克拉通边缘(Pt2Pt3);

    In northern China , evolution of the sedimentary sequences since formation of the early Proterozoic crystal basement can be divided into five stages , i.

  23. 针对这个问题,哈维玛德学院校长(HarveyMuddCollege)玛利亚•克拉维提出了最具可行性的实施方案。

    The most promising case study on how to do it came from Maria klawe , President of Harvey Mudd College .

  24. 华北克拉通桑干地区高压麻粒岩的锆石SHRIMPU-Pb年龄及其地质含义

    Zircon SHRIMP U-Pb age of the Paleoproterozoic high-pressure granulites from the Sanggan area , the North China Craton and its geologic implications

  25. 华北克拉通岩石圈地幔置换作用和壳幔生长耦合的Re-Os同位素证据

    Removal of lithospheric mantle in the North China craton : Re-Os isotopic evidence for coupled crust-mantle growth

  26. 托斯求婚时用的是价值25万美元的四克拉Ashoka式切割钻戒。

    He proposed with a $ 250,000 four-carat Ashoka diamond .

  27. REE和微量元素特征显示肥西地区中生代砂岩物源主要为佛子岭群和卢镇关群,大别杂岩的影响比较局限,更没有来自华北克拉通的物质。

    The data of REE and trace elements indicate that the source rocks were mainly composed of Fuziling and Luzhengguan Groups , limited for Dabie complex and no Huabei Landmass matter .

  28. 去年,国家情报总监詹姆斯?克拉珀(JamesClapper)把旨在制造新生物武器的基因编辑列入国家最大安全威胁。

    Last year , James Clapper , director of national intelligence , included gene editing aimed at producing new biological weapons as among the nation 's top security threats .

  29. 2012年,卡洛琳夫妇在瑞士的某个滑雪场举行了订婚仪式,上周六,他们又在西苏塞克斯郡,威斯布罗格格林市(WisboroughGreen)的圣彼得维克拉(StPeteradVincula)教堂举行了婚礼,双方亲友均出席。

    After getting engaged on the snowy ski slopes in Switzerland in 2012 , the couple and their family and friends gathered at the parish church of St Peter ad Vincula in Wisborough Green , West Sussex last Saturday for the nuptials .

  30. 今年,由乔治克拉奇利(georgecruchley)于19世纪中期为探险旅行者绘制的伦敦折叠地图,售价高达3000英镑。

    This year , folded maps of London , produced by George cruchley in the mid-19th century for adventurous tourists , topped 3000 .