
shànɡ hǎi bó wù ɡuǎn
  • Shanghai Museum
  1. 所开发的一系列泡沫镍基TiO2光催化剂部分产品已经市场化,在上海博物馆青铜器库房中也获得成功的应用,取得了良好的社会和经济效益。

    Some of the developed series products of TiO2 photocatalysts loaded on foam nickel substrates have been supplied on the market . The successful application of our study in the bronze storeroom of Shanghai Museum has also obtained good social and economic benefits .

  2. 上海博物馆经常定期在海外安排展会,展出其收藏品。

    The Shanghai Museum regularly arranges overseas exhibitions of its collection .

  3. 书画经典再现上博上海博物馆故宫博物院古书画精品展

    Classic Calligraphic and Painting Works Appear at the Exhibition in Shanghai Museum

  4. 这个星期天我们要去参观上海博物馆。

    We 're going to visit Shanghai Museum this Sunday .

  5. 上海博物馆藏有非常多中国古代艺术精品。

    The Shanghai Museum has a fantastic collection of ancient Chinese art .

  6. 上海博物馆正在举办一场雕塑展。

    There 's a sculpture exhibit in the Shanghai Museum .

  7. 上海博物馆《中国历代货币馆》新貌迎客

    New look of gallery of Chinese coins in Shanghai Museum

  8. 上海博物馆展出意大利最大的美术馆乌菲至兹的收藏。

    Collections of the Uffizi gallery are on show in Shanghai Museum .

  9. 您可以指点我到上海博物馆的路吗?

    Will you kindly direct me to the Shanghai Museum ?

  10. 我建议他们去上海博物馆。

    I 'd suggest they go to Shanghai Museum .

  11. 上海博物馆书画廊空调设计

    Gallery Air Conditioning System Design of Shanghai Museum

  12. 你肯定这是去上海博物馆的路吗?

    Are you sure ( that ) this is the way to Shanghai museum ?

  13. 混凝土悬臂深梁设计方法的试验研究及其在上海博物馆工程中的应用

    Experimental Research on Design Methods of Reinforced Concrete Cantilever Deep Beams and Their Application in Shanghai Museum Project

  14. 历史性的创意上海博物馆卡地亚艺术珍宝展

    The Art of Cartier

  15. 上海博物馆竹书《内豊》具有非常宝贵的文献价值,需要进一步的研究。

    The bamboo book Nei Li of Shanghai Museum is very valuable document and worthy of further study .

  16. 位于市中心人民广场的上海博物馆是国内外著名的中国古代艺术博物馆。

    Situated in the downtown 's people square , the world-famous shanghai museum features very gorgeous ancient chinese art .

  17. 清代官窑瓷器元素成分数据库建立工作,是上海博物馆古陶瓷科技分析研究中的一个重要组成部分。

    The construction of element composition database on Qing Dynasty guan porcelain is an important part of scientific research on ancient ceramics in Shanghai Museum .

  18. 从高处俯瞰,上海博物馆的玻璃圆顶犹如一面硕大的汉代铜镜。

    When viewed from above , the circular top with a glass dome in the center looks like a huge bronze mirror of the Han Dynasty .

  19. 本文主要对上海博物馆藏战国楚竹书(简称上博简)中与楚王故事相关的竹书进行整理与研究。

    This paper sort out and research the Chu Kings ' story in Shanghai Museum Bamboo Slips ( referred to as the Shang Bo Jian ) .

  20. 上海博物馆采用了先进的消防安保、电化教育、文物图书资料电脑管理和楼宇自动化管理等系统。

    The museum is installed with advanced security and fire alarm systems , multimedia educational facilities , a computerized resources library and building maintenance automation system .

  21. 目前上海博物馆馆藏战国楚竹书已成为学术界研究的热点,相关的研究文章纷纭而至。

    At present , Chu bamboo slips collected by Shanghai Museum has become the hotspot of academic research , and many relevant theses have been published .

  22. 上海博物馆采用了先进的消防安保,电话教育,文物图书资料电脑管理和楼宇自动化管理等系统。

    The mesum is stored with advanced security and fire alarm systems , multi-media educational facilities , a competerized resources library and a building management automations system .

  23. 上海博物馆书画陈列馆环境监测与治理那画家选用油彩画肖像。

    Monitoring and controlling environments of inner Chinese painting and calligraphy gallery and storeroom at Shanghai Museum The artist chose the medium of oil for the portrait .

  24. 你在南京路步行街遇到一名外国游客,他请你告诉他去上海博物馆的路。

    You at Nanking road the on foot street meet a foreign visitor , he asks the road that you tell him to go to museum in Shanghai .

  25. 上海博物馆展出一件铜镜——“透光镜”,它是西汉时期的珍品,直径为11.5厘米。

    In Shanghai Museum , one finds a treasure of the Western Han Period , the " penetrative bronze mirror , " measuring 11.5 cm . in diameter .

  26. 我知道您对艺术和历史感兴趣,所以,首先我向您提议上海博物馆,中国最大的博物馆之一。

    I know you are interested in art and history , so firstly , I suggest you visit Shanghai GetWord (" Museum ");, one of the biggest in China .

  27. 行程包括访问档案馆和诸如故宫、长城、上海博物馆等著名文化景点。

    The itinerary includes visits to archival repositories and important cultural sites , such as the Forbidden City , the Great Wall of China , and the Shanghai Museum .

  28. 上海博物馆新馆建筑总面积38000平方米,由地下两层、地上5层构成,建筑高度29.5米。

    The new site of the Shanghai Museum has a construction space of 38,000 square meters with two floors underground and five floors above the ground with a height of 29.5 meters .

  29. 湖北荆门郭店楚简的发现和上海博物馆收藏楚竹书的公布,轰动了中国乃至国际学术界。

    The discovery of Guodian Chu bamboo slips of Jingmen town Hubei province and the promulgation of Chu bamboo books of Shanghai museum , cause a sensation in China and even World .

  30. 本文讨论上海博物馆藏楚简《鲁邦大旱》释读上若干关键的问题,为《鲁邦大旱》全文的解读提供一些基础性的研究。

    This article studies a few key problems for interpreting a bamboo text " A drought in the state of Lu " collected in Shanghai Museum , and provides one base for reading the whole chapter .