
  • 网络twc;three way catalyst;Catalytic converter;three-way catalyst
  1. 基于小波包分析的三元催化器故障特征提取

    On Wavelet-based Feature Extraction for Fault Diagnosis System of Three Way Catalyst

  2. 三元催化器的评价及实验装置设计

    Evaluation of Three Way Catalyst and Design for Tester

  3. 用吸附还原与三元催化器组合降低富氧汽油机NOx的排放

    Reduction of NO_x Emission in Lean Burn Gasoline Engine Under Different Combination Schemes of NO_x Adsorber and Three Way Catalysts

  4. 不同交通密度区Pt含量分析结果表明,Pt含量与交通密度紧密相关,这说明装有三元催化器的汽车尾气是气溶胶中Pt污染的主要来源;

    The results show that automobile exhaust was the main emission source of Pt contamination in urban air .

  5. 三元催化器冷起动研究分析

    Experimental Research on Performance of Three-Way Catalytic Converter in Engine Cold Start Phase

  6. 三元催化器在柴油机上的应用研究

    Experiment on Three-way Catalytic Converters for Diesel Engine

  7. 汽油发动机排放物经三元催化器催化前后苯系物的健康风险评价

    Heath Risk Assessment of Benzene Series Emission by Gasoline Engine with Three Way Catalytic Converter

  8. 汽车尾气三元催化器数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of Three-way Catalytic Converter

  9. 本产品用于强力清除三元催化器中表面积炭和油泥;

    The products are used in catalytic converters in a strong clear the surface of coke and sludge ;

  10. 探讨了化油器式汽油机采用电控补充二次空气加三元催化器控制排放的效果。

    This paper introduces the application of air supple device and three way catalytic converter to reduce gasoline vehicle emission .

  11. 通过分析,找到了缓解措施:重新改进和匹配三元催化器、优化控制软件等。

    In order to solve the matters , three way catalyst is newly designed and the control software of engine is improved .

  12. 作者在汽车的机外排放控制装置&三元催化器的失效原理的基础上,提出了汽车三元催化器故障诊断系统。

    This paper focuses on the theory of three-way catalyst ( TWC ) 's fault , which is an important part of the automobile engine 's exhaust gas emission decontamination .

  13. 三元催化反应器的作用原理及其检测

    The Working Principle of Three-way Catalyst Case and Its Inspection Methods

  14. 三元催化反应器的特性及应用

    Characteristics of and Application Research on Ternary Catalytic Reactor

  15. 因此应用氧传感器进行反馈的目的在于实现电喷并保证三元催化反应器的净化效果,解决功率、油耗和排气污染之间的矛盾。

    So the purpose of applying oxygen sensors to keep feedback is to fulfill electronic fuel injection and solve the contradiction among power , oil-consumption , and exhaust pollution .