- 网络cahiers du cinema;Les Cahiers du Cinema

I read it in Cahiers Du cinema .
No one would confuse Mildred Silverman with a contributor to Cahiers du Cin é ma , but she knew her way around the movie theatres of her native Brooklyn - and she was capable of pungent film criticism .
Andre Bazin ( Andre Bazin ) used said in his " Film Guide " - " mise en scene " is a extraordinary important strength to movies and TV programs , it has shown us a significant path to the aesthetic philosophy .
Thus , after the death of Andre Bazin , he served as " Film Guide " editor in chief .
Founded by film critic Cheng Qingsong and his Youth Film Handbook magazine , the Golden Broom is the only film award aimed at bad Chinese films .
Though the Golden Broom event has not seen any interference from government or industry organizations since it was first established , Cheng Qingsong , chief editor of Youth Film Handbook and the awards ' organizer , told the Global Times that a lack of sponsors has been a problem .
The needle is all over the press book for The Hound of the Baskervilles .
A thorough manual on the basics of film production , Shot by Shot is often listed on many a film class 's syllabus .