
  • 网络atmospheric turbidity
  1. 张掖地区的大气浑浊度

    Characteristics of atmospheric turbidity over Zhangye region

  2. 甘肃省河西黑河流域沙漠、戈壁地区夏季大气浑浊度与沙尘特性分析

    The characteristics of atmospheric turbidity and sand and dust over Heihe Basin Desert and Gobi Area

  3. 平流层气溶胶浓度反常对于中国上空大气浑浊度的影响

    Effect of anomalous concentration of the stratospheric aerosol on the turbidity over China

  4. 由于大风扬沙的作用,造成春季大气浑浊度明显增大。

    Fly ash by strong wind cause the β to increase rapidly in Spring .

  5. 兰州冬季的大气浑浊度

    Atmospheric turbidity in winter over Lanzhou

  6. 沙漠地区春季的大气浑浊度及沙尘大气对地面辐射平衡的影响

    The atmospheric turbidity and the influence of the dust atmosphere on the surface radiation balance in desert in region spring

  7. 最后给出了北京地区地面太阳紫外总辐射的变化趋势,计算结果表明,地面太阳紫外总辐射对大气浑浊度的变化比对大气臭氧总量的变化敏感得多。

    The calculation results show that the ultraviolet radiation received at the ground is more sensitive to changes in atmospheric turbidity than changes in the total ozone amount .

  8. 结果表明:阿贡山和随后的几个火山爆发导致了1963年秋季以后大气浑浊度的普遍增加,特别是在秋冬季节。

    It is found that Agung 's and several other volcanic eruptions have increased the atmospheric turbidity after the autumn of1963 , especially during the autumn and winter seasons .

  9. 据此利用1982年8月至1983年7月青藏高原地区部分观测站的太阳直接辐射资料计算了大气浑浊度系数,分析了它的变化特征。

    The atmospheric-turbidity ciefficients at some stations over the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau from August 1982 to July 1983 are calculated by using the observational data of solar direct radiation . and their characteristics are analysed .

  10. 文中给出了4月大气浑浊度系数约由0.1增大到0.6,在沙漠和绿洲上空沙尘层(850~600hPa)内大气的附加短波、长波和净加热/冷却率。

    The additional shortwave , longwave and net radiative heating rate in the dust layer ( near the surface from 850 to 600 hPa ) in the desert and oasis are estmated respectively with the atmospheric turbidity coefficients of 0.1 to 0.6 .

  11. 结果表明:(1)张掖地区大气浑浊度系数β具有明显的季节变化:春季最大,夏,秋季其次,冬季最小;

    The results are as follows : ( 1 ) There is a obvious seasonal variation for the atmospheric turbidity coefficient β . The largest value is in Spring , next is in Summer or Autumn , and the smallest is in Winter .

  12. 最后,用大气质量、浑浊度系数和地面绝对湿度三个物理量作参数,以表格的形式列出了各波段分光辐射的相对通量值。

    The relative fluxes of the solar spectral radiation in various spectral bands are tabulated with air mass , the atmospheric turbidity coefficient and absolute humidity at the surface as three physical parameters .

  13. 大气透明度光谱和浑浊度的观测

    The observation of the atmospheric transparency spectrum and the turbidity