
fēi xínɡ kònɡ zhì
  • flight control;flying control
  1. 本文介绍一种基于双CPU飞行控制计算机的无人机安全回收系统,主要是解决飞机在飞行过程中。

    Base on a bi-CPU sustained flying control system , a safe retrieving system for a unmanned airplane is designed .

  2. 双桨倾转旋翼飞行器的最优飞行控制

    Optimal Flying Control of the Rotating Wings Aircraft with Two Propellers

  3. C语言开发数字飞行控制系统软件

    The Development of the Digital Flight Control System Operational Software Using c Language

  4. 基于Matlab的直升机飞行控制律设计与仿真

    Design and Simulation of Helicopter Flight Control Law Based on Matlab

  5. 基于PID控制器的鲁棒自动飞行控制系统设计

    Design of Robust Flight Control System Based on PID Controller

  6. 双CPU环境下飞行控制软件的设计

    The design in flight control software under Dual CPU configuration

  7. 基于USB的波分复用光传飞行控制系统的开发

    WDM Fly-by-Light flight control system design based on USB

  8. 基于LMI的飞行控制系统H2/H∞状态反馈综合

    LMI-Based H_2 / H_ ∞ State Feedback Synthesis for Flight Control System

  9. 直升机飞行控制系统鲁棒PI解耦设计

    Robust PI decoupling design of helicopter flight control system

  10. 基于LMI的直升机鲁棒飞行控制及仿真研究

    LMI-based Design and Simulation of Robust Flight Control System of Helicopters

  11. 本文主要利用常规PID控制和智能PID控制的理论来研究无人机飞行控制律的设计。

    The thesis adapts traditional PID control and intelligent PID control theories to study the design of UAV 's fight control law .

  12. 基于VSC的线性控制参数化及在飞行控制中的应用

    Linear Control Parameterization Based on VSC and its Application to Flight control

  13. 本文在分析中间件TAO及其服务机制基础上,研究无人直升机分布式飞行控制系统实现,利用TAO构建分布式仿真系统,以验证无人直升机分布式飞行控制系统设计。

    In this paper , we study UH distributed flight control system based on the analysis of TAO and its service mechanism .

  14. 针对直升机复杂的动力学特性和日益严格的操纵品质要求,应用二自由度H∞回路成形法设计了直升机鲁棒飞行控制系统。

    Considering the complexity of helicopter flight dynamics and the rigorous flying quality requirement , the robust controller design of a helicopter was discussed using two degree of freedom H ∞ loop shaping control approach .

  15. 再次.研究了MAP与GPS及自动飞行控制系统(AFCS)的交连,设计出了GPS与MAP连接器电路图。

    Thirdly the linking plan of MAP with GPS and automatic flight control system ( AFCS ) is given , A circuit diagram of GPS and MAP linking interface is presented .

  16. B-2飞行控制系统的设计技术

    Design Technique for B-2 Flight Control System

  17. 微型飞行器(MAV)的自主飞行控制是目前国内外微型飞行器研究领域正在积极开展的一项研究。

    The technique of autonomic flight control for Micro air vehicle ( MAV ) is being researched in universal research area .

  18. 嵌入式计算机PC-104在飞行控制系统中的应用

    An Application of Embedded Computer PC-104 in Flight Control System

  19. RS-232接收导弹飞行控制信号,并口接收发射控制信号并发送发控设备状态信号。

    The RS-232 port of the system receives missile control signal , and the parallel port receives launching control signal and sends status messages of system control equipment .

  20. 以主动颤振抑制系统设计为代表的气动伺服弹性力学(ASE)是一门涉及柔性结构、飞行器运动引起的定常和非定常气动力以及飞行控制系统相互作用的多学科技术。

    Aeroservoelasticity , including active flutter suppression technology , is a multidisciplinary optimization technology that studies the interaction of flexible structure , unsteady aerodynamics and flight control system .

  21. ST-3型飞艇定向飞行控制及监控系统设计

    The Design of Airship ST-3 Control and Supervisory System

  22. 对横侧向而言,为了消除侧滑角对飞行控制带来的影响,提高转弯效率,采用倾斜转弯(BTT)控制方法设计了横侧向姿态飞行控制系统。

    In lateral subsystem , we use BTT control method to design attitude control system in order to eliminate the effect of slip angle and improve cornering efficiency .

  23. 先进重构飞行控制技术在原有的基础上更加强调自适应的能力,而不再依赖故障诊断和隔离(FDI)系统,因而促进了鲁棒控制、智能控制和自适应控制技术在该领域的交叉和融合。

    Advanced reconfigurable flight control technique emphasize more on the adaptive ability and don 't rely on the failure detection and isolation ( FDI ) systems , therefore have been promoting the intercross and fusion among robust control , intelligent control and adaptive control technique .

  24. SFMEA方法在飞行控制软件中的应用

    Application of Software Failure Modes and Effect Analysis Approach in Flight Control Software

  25. 从MAV飞行控制系统的基本组成出发,讨论了MAV飞行控制器设计的性能评估准则、鲁棒性评估准则、安全性评估准则和控制能量准则。

    From Micro Air Vehicle ( MAV ) flight control system 's basic constitution , this paper discusses MAV flight controller 's performance criteria , robustness criteria , security criteria and control energy criteria .

  26. 本文研究了空-空导弹攻击在综合火力/飞行控制(IFFC)中的火力控制算法问题。

    The fire control algorithm of the air to air missile attack in integrated fire / flight control ( IFFC ) is explored in this paper .

  27. 飞行控制计算机(FCC)作为飞行控制系统的核心,担负着多种任务。随着系统功能的日益增多,飞行包线的不断扩大,模拟式FCC已经越来越不能满足系统要求。

    Flight control computer ( FCC ), as the core of a flight control system ( FCS ), takes on multiple tasks for the FCS , with the increase of function and the expansion of mission envelope , analog FCC can 't meet requirements of FCS .

  28. 研究了综合火力/飞行控制系统(IFFCS)模糊控制器因子的自调整问题。

    The self turning problem of the factors of fuzzy controller for integrated fire / flight control system ( IFFCS ) is studied .

  29. 在直升机显模型跟踪电传飞行控制系统(MFCS)的基础上,开发了直升机贴地飞行波分复用光传系统实时半物理仿真验证平台。

    Based on the explicit model-following Fly-By-Wire ( FBW ) control system of the helicopter ( MFCS ), a real-time semi-physical nap-of-the-earth platform is established and a simulated fly test is processed .

  30. 针对一类多输入多输出非线性不确定系统,提出了基于模糊干扰观测器(FDO)的轨迹线性化控制(TLC)方法并应用于空天飞行器(ASV)飞行控制系统设计。

    This paper presented an enhanced trajectory linearization control ( TLC ) method based on fuzzy disturbance observer ( FDO ) for a class of multi-input multi-output nonlinear uncertain system , and its application to an aerospace vehicle ( ASV ) flight control system .