
  • 网络Multipath fading;Multi-path fading
  1. 该文研究多径衰落信道条件下,基于SIR的前导检测。

    SIR-based preamble detection is investigated under multipath fading condition .

  2. 多径衰落信道下多载波CDMA信号的频率分集接收

    Frequency diversity reception of multi-carrier CDMA signals over multipath fading channel

  3. OFDM系统具有对抗多径衰落,抵抗窄带噪声的特点,但它的特殊结构也导致其对系统的同步性能提出了很高要求。

    OFDM system can against multipath fading , resistance to narrowband noise .

  4. 多径衰落下基于多码检测的多天线CDMA信道容量分析

    Capacity of MIMO CDMA Based on Multi-Code Detection under Multi-Path Fading Channel

  5. 基于OFDM技术的矿井通信抗多径衰落方案研究

    Research on anti multipath fading plan of mine communication base on OFDM technology

  6. OFDM系统在多径衰落信道下的时钟同步

    Clock synchronization in OFDM systems over multipath fading channels

  7. 一种多径衰落水声MIMO信道自适应均衡仿真研究

    Simulation of MIMO Adaptive Equalization for Multipath Underwater Acoustic Channels

  8. 阐述了OFDM技术抵抗多径衰落信道的原理和数学模型。

    How OFDM conquers the multi-path fading is described and the mathematics model is given .

  9. DS/CDMA长码系统在多径衰落环境下的性能分析

    Performance Evaluation of Long Code DS / CDMA System over Multipath Fading Channel

  10. 多径衰落和多用户干扰下的CDMA并行捕获研究

    Research on CDMA parallel acquisition in the presence of multi path fading and multi user interference

  11. UWB信号在密集室内信道中存在严重的多径衰落。

    There is serious multipath in indoor channel .

  12. 线性调频信号(ChirpSignal)长期以来被用于雷达系统中,它以其抗干扰、抗多普勒频移、抗多径衰落、低功耗和系统结构简单等优势,越来越受到人们的重视。

    The chirp signal has been used in RADAR system with its resistance of interference , Doppler Effect and multi-path fading .

  13. 提出了一种适用于多径衰落信道下实现快速PN码捕获的自适应判决门限混合捕获方案。

    A rapid hybrid acquisition of PN sequences with adaptive decision threshold control was proposed .

  14. 仿真结果表明该方案改善了OFDM系统在多径衰落信道下的性能。

    The simulation results show that the performance of OFDM system is improved in a multipath fading environment .

  15. 虽然系统结构可以消除符号间干扰,OFDM系统仍然需要精确的信道信息来进行信道均衡,从而完全补偿多径衰落。

    Accurate channel state information is needed in OFDM systems to perform channel equalization and compensate the multi-path fading .

  16. 在宽带OFDM系统中,由于信道时变和多径衰落等影响,每个子载波经历不同的衰落。

    In an OFDM-based broadband system , each subcarrier experiences different fading due to time-varying channels and multi-path fading .

  17. MIMO可以抗多径衰落,但是对于频率选择性深衰落,MIMO系统依然是无能为力。

    MIMO system can resist multipath fading , but it is still powerless for frequency selective deep decline .

  18. 正交频分复用(OrthogonalFrequencydivisionMultiplexing,OFDM)是一种能够对抗多径衰落的高数据率多载波调制技术。

    Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing ( OFDM ) is a useful high data rate transmission technology , which is robust to the multipath fading .

  19. 本文研究了多载波码分多址(Multi-carrierCDMA)扩展频谱系统在多径衰落信道下的频率分集接收技术。

    In this paper , the frequency diversity reception of multi-carrier CDMA signal is studied .

  20. MIMO技术是抵抗信道多径衰落,提高系统性能的有效手段之一。

    MIMO technologies have become one of efficient methods to combat multi-path fading and improve the performances of system .

  21. 在多径衰落信道CDMA系统中,扩频码设计与联合检测为提高系统容量的两个重要手段。

    Spreading code design and joint detection are two efficient ways to increase CDMA system capacity in multi-path fading channels .

  22. 多径衰落信道的Volterra自适应预测

    Volterra Adaptive Prediction of the Multipath Fading Channel

  23. 由于其具有较高的频谱利用率、数据传输速率和抗多径衰落能力强等优点,使OFDM技术受到人们的广泛关注。

    Extensive attention has been paid to OFDM due to its high spectral efficiency , high data rate and well anti-multipath ability .

  24. WIMAX中抗多径衰落问题的研究

    Research on Countermeasures Against Multi-Path Fading in WIMAX

  25. OFDM技术由于具有很高的频谱利用率、良好的抗多径衰落性能、高效的数据传输能力,长期以来一直受到了广泛的关注。

    Due to high spectral efficiency , good robust to multi-path fading , and high-speed datatransmission , OFDM has always attracted much attention .

  26. QPSK信号多径衰落信道的建模与误码率仿真

    Modeling and BER Simulation of QPSK Signal Multipath Channel

  27. OFDM技术具有抗时延弥散和抗多径衰落的特性,适合于高速数据传输。

    Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing ( OFDM ) is fit for high rate communication because it can combat time delay dispersion and multipath fading .

  28. 电信CDMA技术是其中的业务之一,具有良好的保密性能、抗干扰性好,抗多径衰落,等诸多优点。

    CDMA is one of them , which has many advantages such as the good secrecy , anti-jamming performance and resistance to multipath fading .

  29. OFDM技术可以把频率选择性衰落信道转化成一组正交的平坦衰落信道,来克服多径衰落的影响。

    OFDM technology can make the frequency selective fading channel into a group of orthogonal flat fading channel to overcome the impact of multipath fading .

  30. 然后,利用Monte-Carlo算法对多载波CDMA系统在多径衰落信道下的性能进行了仿真分析。

    Then , the performance of MC-CDMA system in multi-path fading channels will be simulated and analysed by means of Monte-Carlo method .