
  1. 泉州闽南文化与乡村旅游的互动研究

    Research on Interaction Between Taiwanese Culture and Rural Tourism in Quanzhou

  2. 试论厦门闽南文化旅游资源的开发

    Xiamen 's Tourism Resources with Cultural Features of South Fujian

  3. 闽南文化是中国地方传统文化的一朵奇葩,蕴藏着深厚的思想内涵。

    The southern Fujian culture is a wonderful local traditional culture in China .

  4. 闽南文化与闽台旅游区域经济合作浅论

    Minnan Culture and the Regional Economic Cooperation for the Tourism Between Fujian and Taiwan

  5. 晋江精神中的闽南文化特质

    The Character of Minnan Culture in Jinjiang Spirit

  6. 试谈闽南文化对澎湖文化的影响

    Influence of South Fujian Culture on Penghu Culture

  7. 闽南文化的特色及其地缘背景分析

    Analysis of the Geographic Environment of the Culture Feature in the South of Fujian

  8. 试论闽南文化在祖国统一大业中的价值和作用

    Discuss about the Values and Functions of the Minnan Culture in Reuniting Our Nation

  9. 闽南文化元素在高校美术教育中的运用研究

    Research on the Application of Minnan Cultural Elements in the Education of Arts in University

  10. 闽南文化糅合了中原文化、本土文化和海外文化。

    Its culture is a blending of Central Plains culture , local culture and overseas culture .

  11. 闽南文化是历史上形成的、具有强烈个性特征的区域文化。

    Minnan Culture is a regional culture formed in the history and having strong distinctive characteristics .

  12. 现今,我们仍处处可见闽南文化对琉球的深远影响。

    Nowadays , the great cultural influences of Southern Fujian can still be found everywhere in Ryukyu .

  13. 本文主要以漳州木版年画的独特地域性文化(闽南文化)为背景依托,对其进行梳理研究。

    The paper mainly focuses on related studies according to their unique regional culture ( Minnan Culture ) .

  14. 出于这样的认识,笔者才把鳌园看成是一个象征闽南文化特质的纪念碑。

    For this understanding , I view the Ao Park as a monument that symbolize characteristics of Minnan culture .

  15. 如何挖掘闽南文化的旅游资源、进行旅游产业开发已成为地方发展经济的重心之一。文章结合闽南文化的形成及特征,就闽南文化历史资源旅游业开发的形态及关键点进行了初步探讨。

    This article plans to unify the Minnan culture of the formation and the characteristic , Minnan culture history resources tourism development shape and so on .

  16. 闽南文化是中国传统文化的一朵奇葩,在闽台文化交流中具有独特的地位和优势。

    The Taiwanese culture which is a wonderful work of the traditional Chinese culture enjoys a unique position in the cultural exchanges between Fujian and Taiwan .

  17. 做为海洋性文化闽南文化的一个重要组成部分漳州文化内涵丰富多彩,而且至今仍有其广泛、深刻的影响。

    Zhangzhou culture , one important part of Minnan culture that belongs to oceanic culture , has colorful cultural connotation and wide and profound influences up to now .

  18. 龙岩文化是闽南文化的一部分,闽南文化是龙岩文化的母体文化,龙岩文化与闽南文化具有历史的同源性、同构性和同质性,其历史渊源的传承关系与血亲关系不可分割。

    Minnan culture is the maternal culture of Longyan culture . They share the same resource , construction and quality and their inheritance and blood relationship are inseparable .

  19. 土楼是闽南文化的奇葩,从其生成原因到民俗学原理的影响都值得研究,但毕竟土楼离大城市有段路,必须专门腾出一天方可到达目的。

    Tulou is the masterpiece of the Southern Fujian culture , on which a lot of researches have been made from its formation to its influence on the folklore .

  20. 闽台文化与中原文化之间的关系并不是并列的与对等的,中原文化和闽台文化是一种远源关系,而台湾文化和闽南文化是一种近源关系。

    Central Plains Culture and Min-Tai Culture share the distant origin while Taiwan Culture and Minnan Culture are closely related . Min-Tai Culture and Central plains Culture are not reciprocal .

  21. 闽南文化是凝聚中华民族社会发展历史的文明统一体,是中华民族文明的重要组成部分。

    Minnan culture is regarded as the continuum which unites the development of social history and civilization of Chinese nation , and also it is an important part of Chinese civilization .

  22. 联合闽、粤、琼共同将“侨批”作为闽南文化经济圈的重要侨缘史料申报世界记忆遗产。

    Joint Fujian and Guangdong , Hainan will be common ," Overseas Chinese " culture should be an important economic circle edge of Overseas Chinese history to declare Memory of the World Heritage .

  23. 在泉台合作中,到传统闽南文化中吸取精华,并挖掘传统文化元素融入文化产业。

    In the cooperation between Quanzhou and Taiwan , we learn to take in the best of traditional Minnan culture , and we know how to make traditional cultural elements into new culture industry .

  24. 作为中华文化的重要组成部分,闽南文化在争取台湾民心,促进祖国和平统一的伟大进程中,具有独特的作用和价值。

    As the Chinese culture important constituent , the Minnan culture in winning the Taiwan public support , promoting in the motherland peaceful unification great advancement , has the unique function and the value .

  25. 时至今日,华侨仍在闽南文化的传承上起着举足轻重的作用,而历久不衰的闽南文化也成为加强华侨对家乡的认同感的重要纽带。

    Up to now , they still play an important part in the inheritance of South Fujian culture , which is in turn an important bond for the identity with their hometown those returned overseas Chinese .

  26. 因此,前两部分的论述主要为后面研究如何以闽南文化为载体,从而促进闽台文化交流打下基础。

    Therefore , the first two parts of the paper mainly laid the foundation for the study on how to use the Taiwanese culture as the carrier to enhance the cultural exchanges between Fujian and Taiwan .

  27. 旅游资源丰富、闽南文化浓郁的厦、泉、漳地区是海峡西岸经济区建设的重要组成部分,旅游是这一地区的支柱产业之一。

    With abundant tourist resources , Xiamen , Quanzhou and Zhangzhou , rich in Minnan Culture , are a major part of West Side Economic Zone of the Taiwan strait , in which tourism is a pillar industry .

  28. 泉州古城区保留了唐、宋、元等历史时期的不同建筑风貌和海洋文化、宗教文化和闽南文化等多元文化特点的建筑景观界面。

    In the ancient city area of Quanzhou , keep Tang , Song , Yuan each historical different building styles and features and marine culture , religious culture and the south of Fujian Province culture , etc. plural culture building view interface of characteristic of period .

  29. 闽南习俗文化探析

    On the Culture and Customs in South Fujian Province

  30. 谈旅游外宣文本中闽南特色文化词语英译

    On the Translation of Southern Fujian Characteristic Culture Terms in Quanzhou Tourist Text