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  1. 闽北阔叶树种生态组的Fuzzy划分闽北木荷人工林生产潜力的研究

    Fuzzy cluster analysis of ecological group of deciduous trees in the North Fujian

  2. PHC管桩作为抗拔桩在工程中的应用高强度预应力混凝土管桩(PHC)施工技术在闽北山区的应用

    Application of the pretensioned spun concrete piles used for uplift piles in project

  3. 文中应用遗传算法优化了闽北地区森林资源管理的Logistic模型。

    In this paper , the genetic algorithms is used to optimize Logistic model of forest resource management to the north of Fujian province .

  4. 应用陆地卫星TM图象编制闽北土壤图(1:10万)的方法研究

    A study on the method of applying Landsat-5 TM image in compiling the soil map ( 1:100000 ) of Northern Fujian

  5. RH植物液肥在闽北茶区的试验初报

    Preliminary Experimental Report on the Application of RH Plant Liquid Fertilizer to the Tea Area of the North of Fujian Province

  6. 闽北邵武为盛夏干旱高温。气候影响最明显的时期为盛果期。

    The climate has the most effect on full fruiting period .

  7. 闽北杉木生长和收获模型的研究

    Growth and Yield Model for Chinese Fir in Northern Fujian Province

  8. 闽北锥栗品种资源及其利用前景

    Cultivar resources of chinquapin in north Fujian and their utilization prospects

  9. 耐寒相思及其在闽北的引种前景

    Cold Resistant Acacia Species and Their Introduction Prospects in North Fujian

  10. 加快发展闽北竹产业的思考

    Thinking of Accelerating the Development of Bamboo Industry of North Fujian

  11. 闽北森林群落物种多样性的可塑性面积单元问题

    The modifiable areal unit problem of species diversity in the forest

  12. 闽北地区鸡致病性大肠杆菌的分离与血清型鉴定

    Isolation and serotype identification of chicken Escherichia coli in northern Fujian

  13. 闽北烟稻连作模式的烤烟种植气候分区

    Climatic Distribution for Tobacco-planting under Rice-tobacco Continuous Cropping in North Fujian

  14. 闽北杉木人工林单木模型

    An Individual Model for Chinese Fir Plantations in Fujian Province

  15. 闽北毛竹林密度变化相关因子的动态规律研究

    Studies on the Dynamic Laws of Density Change Correlation Factors of Phyllostachys

  16. 闽北林区商品林冲突管理研究

    Study of Management of the Commercial Forest Conflicts in Northern Fujian Province

  17. 闽北森林资源管理的数学模型

    Mathematical Model of Forest Resource Management in Northern Fujian Province

  18. 闽北竹业产业化建设探讨

    Approaching the Industrialization Construction of the Industry of Bamboo in North Fujian

  19. 闽北前寒武纪变质岩地层微量元素地球化学特征

    Geochemistry Characteristics of Trace Elements of Precambrian Metamorphic Rock in Northern Fujian

  20. 闽北前寒武纪基底的地质年代学研究

    Geochronological Study on the Precambrian Metamorphic Basement in Northern Fujian

  21. 香根草生态学特性及其在闽北的应用

    Initial Discussion on Eco-Characteristics and Application of Vetiver in North Fujian Province

  22. 山区县域城镇体系结构的实证研究&以闽北松溪县为例

    Demonstrative research on town system structure in mountainous county region

  23. 略论闽北的妈祖信仰

    A Brief Study of Belief in Mazu in Northen Fujian

  24. 闽北林区薪材消耗及其影响因子

    A Drain on Fuel Woods and Its Effect Factor in North Fujian

  25. 闽北野生木兰科植物资源及开发利用

    Magnoliaceae wild northern Fujian and the development and utilization of plant resources

  26. 构建闽北武夷生态茶产业经济圈

    Construction of Economic Rim of Wuyi Ecological Tea Industry in North FuJian

  27. 闽北乡村社会林业发展的项目带动策略

    Driving Strategy of Rural Social Forestry Development In the North of Fujian Province

  28. 朱熹与闽方言闽北变质岩研究

    Zhu Xi and Min dialect On Study of Metamorphic Rock in Northern Fujian

  29. 改善闽北英语教学方式的几点建议(英文)

    Suggestions on Improving English Teaching Approaches in Minbei ;

  30. 闽北常绿阔叶林乔木种群种间相关研究

    Interspecific Association of Trees in Evergreen Broad leaved Forest in North of Fujian