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  1. 闽越与南越考古学文化的比较研究

    A making Comparison Study Between Min Yue and South Yue Archaeological Culture

  2. 闽越文化即春秋战国至汉武帝时期闽越人创造的文化。

    Minyue culture is the culture formed by the people in Minyue from the Spring and Autumn Period to the Han Dynasty .

  3. 通过对现代福建和其他闽语人群的分子人类学研究,结果并没有看到闽越的结构。

    When modern populations in Fujian and other areas where South-Fujian was spoken were analyzed with molecular anthropological model , no structure of Min-Yue was found .

  4. 蛇王节·闽越文化·稻作习俗&浅谈闽北樟湖的蛇王节

    The Snake King Festival , the Culture of Fujian and East Zhejiang , and the Paddy Cultivation Customs & Discussions about the Snake King Festival in Zhangzhou of North Fujian

  5. 传入福建后,烙上闽越巫觋文化特征,以功利为指归,融合了儒释道的思想,成为三教并祀的民间信仰。

    After spread into Fujian , branded with Min-Yue sorcery culture , took utility as the goal , and fused Confucianism , Buddhism and Taoism , it became a folk belief to offer sacrifices by the three religions .