
  • 网络spy game
  1. 间谍游戏是研究人性的一个理想课题。

    The spy game is a perfect subject for examining the human condition .

  2. 经常被比作罗伯特雷德福,这两名球员将最终相交于谍战,间谍游戏。

    Often compared to Robert Redford , the two players will eventually intersect in Spy Game , game of spies .

  3. 《疑犯追踪》最终集于6月21日播出,完美展现了现代间谍游戏以及政府矫枉过正的故事线。

    Person of Interest airs its final episode on June 21 , wrapping up a storyline that delved into modern-day spy games and government overreach .

  4. 这份名为《发掘游戏和虚拟环境的恐怖主义用途》(ExploitingTerroristUseofGamesVirtualEnvironments)的文件于本周发布,讲述了间谍机构试图通过游戏来追踪恐怖主义通讯活动的努力。

    The document , called Exploiting Terrorist Use of Games Virtual Environments , was published this week , and tells tales of the spy agencies trying to track down terrorist communications through each of the games .

  5. 这份名为《发掘游戏和虚拟环境的恐怖主义用途》(ExploitingTerroristUseofGames&VirtualEnvironments)的文件于本周发布,讲述了间谍机构试图通过游戏来追踪恐怖主义通讯活动的努力。

    The document , called Exploiting Terrorist Use of Games & Virtual Environments , was published this week , and tells tales of the spy agencies trying to track down terrorist communications through each of the games .