
jiàn jiē xuán jǔ
  • indirect election
  1. 过多层次的间接选举不利于提高代表机关的代表性。

    Too many levels of indirect election are not conducive to enhancing the representativeness of the institutions .

  2. 直接选举和间接选举是选举制度中两种相伴产生的选举方式。

    Direct election and indirect election are two important ways in electoral system , which always accompany each other .

  3. 立法会将有六十个议席,全部由直接或间接选举产生。

    There will be 60 members to the Legislature , all elected directly or indirectly .

  4. 总统和副总统每五年由选举团间接选举产生。

    The president and Vice-President are elected indirectly by an electoral college for five-year terms .

  5. 在省和设区的市以至中央,实行间接选举。

    Indirect elections are held for the leadership of the provinces , autonomous regions , municipalities with districts , as well as the central authorities .

  6. 现在我们县级以上实行的是间接选举,县级和县以下的基层才是直接选举。

    At present , indirect elections are held for posts above the county level , and direct elections are held for those at the county level and below .