
  • 网络Boiler Tube;Boiler Pipe
  1. 20G高压锅炉管性能评定试验

    The Performance Assessment Test of 20G High Pressure Boiler Tube

  2. 高质量合金钢ERW锅炉管

    High Quality ERW Boiler Tube of Alloy Steel

  3. CAD技术在锅壳式锅炉管板强度计算中的应用

    Application of CAD to strength calculation for tube plates of shell boilers

  4. DZ型锅炉管板裂纹的原因及改进措施

    Essential Causes of Cracks in DZ Type Boiler Tube-Plates and Its Countermeasures

  5. 20G锅炉管在热扩机组控轧控冷的工艺研究

    Study on TMCP Process for 20G Boiler Seamless Pipe Rolled at Hot Tube Expanding Mill

  6. 通过对锅炉管爆裂处的金相组织、成分、力学性能、腐蚀产物和供水指标的观测与分析,找出了爆裂的原因。结果表明:供水pH值超标,H~+离子聚集以至形成甲烷气泡并相互连接;

    To find the cause of damage , the microstructure in the section of tube crevasse , chemical composition , mechanical properties , corrosion product and water quality were observed and analyzed . index ;

  7. 介绍国产SA-210C高压锅炉管的性能及应用。

    The performance and application of domestic SA-210C high pressure boiler tube is introduced in this paper .

  8. 针对电厂锅炉管爆漏的修复问题,研制了一种适用于窄小间隙环缝的全位置自动管焊装置,它采用PLC控制,既可自动焊接也可手动操作。

    A full position automatic pipe welding unit which is suitable for narrow clearance girth welding is developed to the leak burst repair problem of boiler pipe in electric power plant . The pipe welding unit adopts PLC control with both automatic welding and manual operation .

  9. 天津钢管公司φ250限动芯棒连轧机组浅述介绍了天津钢管公司轧管厂Φ250mm限动芯棒连轧管机组热轧20G高压锅炉管的在线常化工艺。

    The co-authors introduce the on-line normalizing process for Grade 20G high-pressure boiler pipes hot - rolled with the φ 250mm retained mandrel mill line at Tube-rolling Plant , Tianjin Steel Tube Corp.

  10. SA-335P22高压锅炉管穿孔后管体表面出现大量裂纹,其形貌特殊且分布无规律。

    A lot of external cracks appear after piercing of SA-335P22 high pressure boiler tube bloom , they looks special and distribute randomly .

  11. 研究管板裂纹的结构性原因以及外部因素所产生的影响,并以14MW热水锅炉管板为例,分析其裂纹成因和提出相应的对策。

    The structural cause for pipe cracking and the external factors are discussed and , taking the 1.4 MW boiler as example , cause analysis and countermeasures are provided .

  12. 小型锅炉管壁温度测试方法

    A Method for Measuring Tube Wall Temperatures of Low Capacity Boilers

  13. 辅锅炉管焊缝泄漏的带压处理

    Bridging of the leaking weld of auxiliary boiler tube under pressure

  14. 第一废热锅炉管板强度的有限元分析

    FEM Analysis on Tubesheet Strength of the Primary Waste Heat Boiler

  15. 锅炉管爆裂成因的检测与分析

    Investigation and Study on the Causes of Explosion of Boiler Tube

  16. 高频焊锅炉管替代无缝锅炉管的试验研究

    Test Research on HF Welding Boiler Pipe Substitute Seamless Boiler Pipe

  17. 脉冲等离子焊接在锅炉管系制造中的应用

    Application of pulsed plasma arc welding to boiler tubing system jointing

  18. 高温锅炉管寿命预测技术及其应用

    High temperature boiler tube life prediction techniques and their applications

  19. 锅炉管组集箱静压分布的离散模型

    A Discrete Model for the Pressure Distribution in Boiler Manifolds

  20. 我国电站用高压锅炉管的现状与国产化

    Present state and domestic development of high-pressure boiler tubes for power plants

  21. 采用钼基顶头提高锅炉管质量

    Improving the quality of boiler tubes by using a molybdenum based plug

  22. 高温锅炉管寿命管理办法研究

    Research on Life Management of High Temperature Boiler Tube

  23. 锅炉管剩余寿命预测

    Assessment of the Residual Life Expectance of Boiler Tubes

  24. 早期检测锅炉管泄漏的应用技术

    Application Technology of Early Detection of Boiler Tubes Leakage

  25. 奥氏体钢锅炉管固溶处理问题探讨

    On the Solid-Solution Treatment Problem of Austenitic Boiler Pipes

  26. 斜立式废热锅炉管板损坏原因分析及对策

    Reason analysis on the failure of tube-sheet in slant waste-heat-boiler and its countermeasure

  27. 高压锅炉管生产过程控制计算机系统

    High Pressure Boiler Tube Line Process Control Computer System

  28. 锅炉管板开裂原因分析及处理

    Analysis and Treatment for Boiler Tube Plate Cracking

  29. 冷加工对高温运行奥氏体锅炉管的影响

    The effect of cold working on the austenitic boiler tubes operated at high temperature

  30. 控制终扩温度生产高压锅炉管的工艺试验研究

    Technological Experiment on Production of High Pressure Boiler Pipe With Final Rolling Temperature Controlled