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Based on analysis to the property of phosphate precipitation , the controlling parameters of coordinated pH-phosphate treatment in boilers are presented . The temporary disappearance feature and troublesome problems existing in the said treatment applied to superhigh pressure boilers are discussed in detail .
Discussion on Caustic-Corrosion Cracking of Superhigh - Pressure Boiler Tubes
Testing and Research about Feedwater Treatment with Low Phosphate on Ultra-high Pressure Boiler
Maintaining a Desired Drum Water Level in a 670 t / h High-Pressure Boiler
Improvement of The Pulverizing Systems of 400 T / H Boilers and Its Economic Benefit
Measurement of Cl ~ - in Water for Water Pressure Test of an Ultrahigh Pressure Boiler
The testing results about treating feedwater with low phosphate on ult ra-high pressure boilers were summarized .
Ultra-thick plate of low alloy high strength steel for super-high pressure boiler 's superheater approved for commercial use
It is not stipulated definitely whether the expanded tube joints with special structure in super high-pressure boiler shall be cleaned or not in accordance with the standard .
To fully keep track of the situation regarding the superheater tube wall temperature , a real-time acquisition of the tube wall temperatures inside and outside the furnace and their changes was carried out on a 410 th super-high pressure boiler .
Abstract The remote water level indicator and local water indicator are the prime instruments for high boiler , super high pressure boiler and subcritical pressure boiler . Its sampling severe error shows that the practical operation water level of the drum is realy much higher than the design value .
The cause of tube leakage occurring to a 670 t / h super-pressure coal-fired boiler is being analyzed , accompanied by some comprehensive countermeasures , which have effectively solved the leakage problem .
Practical application of dry-out with high temperature flue gas to a large capacity extra high pressure CFB boiler
Design Improvement of 220t Super High Pressure Oil-fired D-type Boiler
In order to reduce the manufacturing cost and improve the enterprise 's integrated ability to compete , Nanhai Power Plant 1 built a 670t / h ultra-high pressure coal-water slurry boiler .
Probe on Acid Cleaning of Super High Pressure Boiler with Expanded Tubes
Improvement of 220 t / h D-Type Oil-Fired HP Boiler
Design and Commission of a New 670 t / h Superpressure Coal - Water Slurry Firing Boiler
Failures of the Slag Cooler of a 440 t / h Super-pressure Reheating Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler & Analysis and Remedies
Large , China made 440 t / h super-high pressure reheat circulating fluidized bed boilers were manufactured after assimilating with inventive improvement of some design technologies of pertaining 410 t / h or 440 t / h CFB boilers , licensed from abroad .