
  1. 盒盖上镶嵌着银饰。

    The lid of the box had been inlaid with silver .

  2. 价值1,000英镑的珠宝和银饰被盗。

    A thousand pounds worth of jewellery and silver has been stolen .

  3. 美丽的银饰和绿松石珠宝与陶器

    beautiful silver and turquoise jewelry and pottery .

  4. 最后文章从市场策略、品牌策略、营销渠道以及体验营销和文化营销等方面提出了完善TBS银饰营销策略的思路。

    Finally , the article made a perfect policy and idea of TBS marketing from the aspect of marketing strategy , brand strategy , sales channel , experience marketing and culture marketing .

  5. 你不觉得这个家伙穿着乔丹鞋走路的女孩的服装银饰(蒂芙尼的品牌),并采取对UGG靴看起来像情侣?

    Don 't you think that guy wears jordan shoes walking with the girl which dresses in Silver Jewelry ( Tiffany brand ) and take a pair of UGG Boots looks like couple ?

  6. 苗族银饰的兴盛同样也不是一蹴而就的。

    Miao silver is not the prosperity of the same quick .

  7. 我们不经营低档的银饰。

    We do not deal in low class silver jewels .

  8. 云南白族银器及银饰

    Silverware and Silver Adornment of Bai Minority in Yunnan

  9. 第十五届国际银饰艺术比赛作品

    Works of The 15th International Silver Jewelry Art Competition

  10. 传统银饰的制作及其工艺特点

    Manufacture of Traditional Silver Jewelry and Its Technical Characteristics

  11. 云南白族银饰设计作品

    Design Works for Silver Adornment of Yunan Bai Minorities

  12. 蓝色的幸福银饰专卖店,欢迎您!

    The happy silver of the blue decoration monopoly store , Welcome you !

  13. 云南民族银饰

    The Silver Jewels of Nationalities in Yunnan Province

  14. 很多苗族地区佩戴银饰讲究以多为美的。

    Miao silver wear a lot of stress in the region , mostly beautiful .

  15. 切割粗糙的绿松石成细小的圆宝石,以镶嵌在银饰里面。

    Turquoiserough . A stone cutter and stone setter to set cabochons in silver .

  16. 另外一些则带有银饰和精细的花纹图案。

    Others have silver and intricate flower designs .

  17. 随着经济和社会的发展,贵州民族银饰市场不断壮大起来。

    With the economic and social development , Guizhou ethnic silver market has grown continuously .

  18. 由于钎焊后表面颜色浅,可适用于银饰、眼镜等行业的加工。

    Due to their clear color are used by silver smith and glasses industry , etc.

  19. 苗族银饰品牌广告要传达出消费者的情感需求,以情打动消费者。

    Miao silverware brand advertising to convey the emotional needs of consumers love to impress consumers .

  20. 以传统银饰文化为基石,现代银饰才能走得更远。

    Modern silver can hardly go further without basing on the culture of traditional silver jewelry .

  21. 御凤袖钉延续了御凤银饰的几大特点:一、绣包的可替换性。

    Yu Feng-sleeve silver nails lasted several major features : First , embroidery package replace ability .

  22. 阴暗心理的象征:《西游记》中的妖魔及其佛教文化寓意湘西苗族银饰的符号寓意及文化心理

    The Symbols Connotation and Cultural Psychology with Silver Ornaments of Miao Nationality in The West of Hunan

  23. 在我国丰富多样的民族服饰中,银饰艺术是一个重要的组成部分。

    It is discussed that silver decoration art is a vital proportion in our abundant national finery culture .

  24. 越多的客户满意,更成功将银饰代理人。

    The greater the number of satisfied clients , the more successful and reputed an agent would be .

  25. 作为一门古老的工艺技术,传统银饰有许多值得继承和借鉴的地方。

    As an ancient technology , traditional silver jewelry culture has a lot worth learning from and deserving inheritance .

  26. 苗族银饰上呈现出的“多”的艺术特征,也是十分惊人的。

    Miao silverware on the showing of the " many " of the art features , is also very striking .

  27. 他获得了巨大的成功。英国民众十分喜欢那些便宜的黄金耳环和毫无品位的银饰。

    It was a great success . The British public loved his cheap gold earrings and his tasteless silver ornaments .

  28. 银饰手镯在苗族银饰用于定情,僻邪,祭祖等活动。

    Miao silver bracelet in silver for the tokens of love , ward off evils , ancestor worship and other activities .

  29. 尝试探讨将贵州黔东南地区苗族银饰艺术在现代设计中的传承和发展。

    Attempt to explore the areas of Guizhou Southeast Guizhou Miao silver art in modern design of the inheritance and development .

  30. 苗家姑娘最爱将龙的变形图案打制成银饰装点在头上,或刺绣在衣裙中,编织于围腰上。

    Girls like to adorn their hair with silver omaments shaped like dragons and wear clothes embroidered or woven with dragon patterns .