
  • 网络Bancassurance;bank insurance;Banks and Insurance;Bankassurance
  1. 银行保险(Bancassurance)是指寿险公司通过银行或邮局网络销售特定的保险产品,目前已成为西方发达国家寿险业普遍采用且行之有效的分销渠道。

    Bancassurance means bank either network of post office sale insurance produce of life insurance , Now it became the most popular and effective distribution way adopted by western developed country life insurance corporation .

  2. 国际上,银行保险的发展已经比较成熟。

    Internationally , the development of bancassurance is quite already mature .

  3. 这些黄金在武装警卫的护运下安全运达银行保险库。

    The gold was reached the bank 's vault under convoy of armed guards .

  4. 自我国加入WTO以来,银行保险已经成为我国保险公司的重要业务来源,是保险公司和学术界关注的重点之一。

    After China became the WTO member , bancassurance has become an important source of business to the insurance company .

  5. 今后TP人寿四川分公司银行保险业务将会迎着这条专业化经营之路,更好更快地发展。

    From now on the operation of bancassurance business in Sichuan branch of TP life insurance Co. , LTD. will go along the road of specialized management , and develop well .

  6. 欧洲各国银行保险的比较研究及对中国的意义

    The Comparative Study of Bancassurance in Europe and its Significance to China

  7. 你知道银行保险箱里有什么吧?

    You know what 's in the bank 's safe , right ?

  8. 银行保险&我国银行业面临的机遇、挑战、对策

    Banking Insurance ── Opportunities Challenges and Strategies of China 's Banking Sector

  9. 这是他的银行保险箱钥匙吗?

    Is that the key to his safe deposit box ?

  10. 可能是个银行保险箱或者带锁的箱子

    It could be for a safe deposit box or a lockbox .

  11. 中国银行保险业务发展研究

    A Study on the Development of Bancassurance in China

  12. 法国政府在银行保险业的作用

    How French government act in bank & insurance industry

  13. 我国银行保险的现存问题及发展对策

    Safety and Benefit China Bankassurance Problems and Its Counterplan

  14. 随着金融一体化的深入,全球银行保险的发展越来越迅速。

    Along with financial integration penetrating deeply , the global bancassurance develops rapidly .

  15. 我国银行保险业务发展状况及趋势研究

    Research on the Development Condition and Tendency of China 's Bank Insurance Business

  16. 我国寿险业银行保险市场研究

    Research of the Development of Bancassurance Market in China

  17. 加强银保合作监管。银行保险;

    Enhancement of supervision on bank and insurance cooperation .

  18. 中国银行保险发展初探

    A Probe Into the Development of China 's Bancassurance

  19. 银行保险是当今国际保险业的重要发展趋势。

    Bank insurance is the most important trend of the international insurance industry .

  20. 她将珠宝放在她银行保险箱。

    She kept her jewels in her safe-deposit box .

  21. 建造一个安全地,比如银行保险库或监狱。

    By creating something secure , like a bank vault or a jail .

  22. 我国银行保险模式的构建

    The Establishment of Bancassurance Mode in Our Country

  23. 我国银行保险合作业务的发展趋势

    The trend of the development of cooperative business between the bank and insurance company

  24. 银行保险:香港的经验和启示

    Bancassurance : the practice and experience of HK

  25. 可就像银行保险箱一样安全。

    Is as safe as a bank vault .

  26. 介绍了重庆市销售银行保险产品的主要保险公司、主要银行,并对保险公司的银行保险业务发展情况和市场占有率进行了简单的分析。

    Introduced the main insurance companies and banks who sales bancassurance products in Chongqing .

  27. 银行保险这种全新金融形式就是在这种特殊的时期产生的。

    This new form of bancassurance has been a product of this particular period .

  28. 西方银行保险的发展及其借鉴

    The development of western bank insurance and its use for reference to our country

  29. 银行保险混业经营制度;

    Bank - insurance joint management system ;

  30. 20世纪80年代,银行保险在欧洲大陆出现。

    80 years of the 20th century , banking and insurance in the European continent .