
  • 网络The Hollow;sleepy hollow
  1. 整个画面拍摄很精美,雷德克里夫苍白的律师形象让人想起强尼·戴普在《断头谷》里面的侦探形象。

    The scenes are shot beautifully , with Radcliffe 's pale lawyer reminiscent of Johnny Depp 's detective character in Sleepy Hollow .

  2. 提姆伯顿挑选克里斯托弗出演《断头谷》,《僵尸新娘》,《查利和巧克力工厂》等五部电影中,说他扮演的角色给人“巨大”的启示。

    Tim Burton , who cast Lee in five films including Sleepy Hollow , Corpse Bride and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory , said the actor had been an " ennormous inspiration . "

  3. 跨越180年的男权意识和男性话语&对欧文的《睡谷传说》及其99版改编影片《断头谷》的女性主义解读

    A Feminist Study of Washington Irving 's The Legend of Sleepy Hollow and Its Movie Version The Sleepy Hollow

  4. 1999年,好莱坞导演蒂姆?伯顿将欧文最著名的短篇小说《睡谷传说》改变成电影《断头谷》,但这部改编作品被评论为“与原作毫无共同之处”。

    In1999 , Tim Burton adapted irving 's the legend of Sleepy Hollow into a movie , which is thought to " have nothing in common with irving 's short story " .

  5. 而后,戴普又出演了他的多部影片,包括《艾德伍德》(1994)、《断头谷》(1999)、《查理和他的巧克力工厂》(2005)和《僵尸新娘》(2006)。

    Depp went on to star in several of his films including Ed Wood ( 1994 ), Sleepy Hollow ( 1999 ), Charlie and the Chocolate Factory ( 2005 ) and the Corpse Bride ( 2006 ) .

  6. 不要把这部片子和电影《断头谷》、《驱魔少年》还有《绞刑架》混淆了。这部低调但极度惊悚的英国电影讲述的是一家人深入丛林,与一些非同寻常的事物做斗争。

    Not to be confused with The Hollow , Hallow , or ( God forbid ) The Gallows , this low-key but eminently creepy offering from the UK focuses on a family deep in the woods who must contend with something ...