- lobby;court;living room;court of law;principal hall in a yamen

(1) [living room]∶客堂
(2) [court]
(3) 高大的厅堂。为古代帝王主持政事、宣明政教的地方
(4) 旧时指官府办事或审理案件的厅堂
A gaggle of journalists sit in a hotel foyer waiting impatiently .
He got up and went out into the foyer .
Ask about today 's activities at the Great Hall Information Desk .
A bigger glass lobby stretching into Lincoln Center 's plaza .
Now this man was a true Jack of all trades .
The pavilion of tower C in Beijing raycom infotech park is a all-glass structure supported by flexible cable net system , and four suspended cables are used to bear the structure .
They asked questions like , do we really need four separate desks in the lobby ? says Dean Winter area general manager for Swire Hotels Hong Kong .
We mainly produce the real wood furnitures and doors for the hotel , and the KTV project .
In1860 , after the church properties were returned , bishop Joseph Martial Mouly rebuilt West Church , dedicating it in1867 .
The range of products listed to judge included movie memorabilia like film magazine covers , DVDs , posters , press booklets , lobby cards , movies and books .
The 25th-floor lobby faces the Tokyo Tower , and similarly spectacular scenes figure prominently in each of the 273 plush rooms ( from 20000 yen ) , some of which have been decorated by former artists-in-residence .
Decoration Construction of Super Tall Lobby 33 m in Height in Shanghai Bank Tower
A kind of traveling sales office was set up at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel on Moscow 's Tverskaya Street , where dozens of billionaires pass through the lobby each day .
In the airy foyer of its new offices in Beijing , a funky sculpture of three pigs stands alongside a group of table-tennis tables for lunchtime recreation .
I looped back in and found the hotel 's lobby , as well as its chief concierge , Marie Antoinette Mori , who greeted me at her desk .
Whatever your personal preference , a heels requirement certainly has no place in the lobby of a consulting firm that regularly bangs on about the need for diversity and even sponsors a blog about equality issues called " The Gender Agenda . "
The excited chatter of the Chinese tourists in the faux Renaissance lobby of the Venetian Macao nearly drowns out the tour guides shepherding them to the main attraction in the hotel : the casino floor .
Insider tip : The elevator ride to the Ritz-Carlton 's lobby on the103rd floor is said to be the fastest in Hong Kong , traveling nine meters per second .
Down in the lobby , my 6-year-old , Phoebe , and I met a beautifully dressed , immaculately made-up woman sitting on a bench with a cane , waiting for her niece to take her to Thanksgiving dinner at 5 .
The next morning , I skipped breakfast at Margaux , grabbing a latte and fresh kale Cheddar scone from the lobby coffee shop and sprawled out in the lounge .
Located on the first floor of the Westin Beijing Financial Street , PREGO is not far from the hotel lobby and just to the left of a large casual buffet style restaurant called SENSES .
Toward that end , he said , he wanted to make the Met more welcoming by expanding and renovating its cramped lobby - which the building 's architect , Wallace K. Harrison , was forced to scale back to save money half a century ago .
And so shortly after midnight this New Year 's Eve , I left my 10 cigarettes on the lobby radiator on my way out of Max and Ari 's party , lit the 11th for good luck and smoked it out into the night .
But when PwC hired Portico to staff its lobby , the management either did not care about , or did not bother to look at , the rules the agency imposes on its receptionists .
When we did Gramercy Park Hotel we had Julian [ Schnabel ] do the lobby and he 's a maximalist , and we had John Pawson do the apartments and he is a minimalist , but to me they work together in spirit .
It was Somerset Maugham who said the French Riviera is " a sunny place for shady people " - and looking around at all the ' models ' in the hotel lobbies and the men in dark sunglasses who seemed to know them , I knew what he meant .
Please go to the lobby my colleague will show you .
Bathrooms are located on the two sides of the lobby .
The artworks of young artists were shown in the lobby .
Jack , there are four agents waiting at the lobby .