
  • 网络Significant economic losses;severe economic lost
  1. 类病毒是能够侵染多种植物并造成重大经济损失的RNA分子。

    Viroids can infect various plants and thereby causing important losses in agriculture .

  2. 校园网络系统耐雷电和电磁脉冲(LEMP)过电压的能力极差,一旦遭雷击就会造成网络部分功能丧失甚至全部瘫痪,并造成重大经济损失。

    The capability of the campus network system to prevent thunder and lightning and the voltage excess of LEMP is poor . Once there is a thunder and lightning , the function of the network system will be partly or even completely destroyed , which will cause heave economic losses .

  3. 这些商品的贸易为知识产权拥有者及正当企业造成重大经济损失。

    Trade in these goods causes significant financial losses for right holders and legitimate businesses .

  4. 我国采取的是人本环境刑事观,将环境资源犯罪界定为传统的刑事罪行,以公私财产及人身健康为侵犯的客体,而以造成重大经济损失或导致人身伤亡为犯罪定义。

    China has adopted an anthropocentric perspective towards environmental crimes , viewing them as traditional criminal offences .

  5. 该疾病因裂谷热感染的牲畜死亡和流产,也会造成重大经济损失。

    The disease also results in significant economic losses due to death and abortion among RVF-infected livestock .

  6. 在旋转机械系统中,轴系扭转振动是一种普遍存在的动力学物理现象,如不加以重视,会造成重大经济损失。

    In rotary mechanical systems , the torsional vibration of shafting is a ubiquitous physical phenomenon of dynamics .

  7. 我国是地震多发国家,地震造成的建筑物破坏、倒塌是引起重大经济损失和人员伤亡事故的直接原因。

    China is an earthquake-prone country . The collapse of the building caused significant economic losses and casualties .

  8. 回转窑若处于停窑检修状态,则基本上生产将处于停顿状态,从而造成重大经济损失。

    If the kiln should stop to Overhaul , work should be down , and make a heavy economic loss .

  9. 事故频发,职业危害严重,不仅造成重大经济损失,而且影响社会安定。

    The frequent accidents and serious occupational harms have resulted in great economic loss and made against the social security .

  10. 塌方的发生,严重影响隧道施工的安全,同时造成了重大经济损失。

    The occurrence of collapse , which seriously impact the tunnel construction safety , also caused a great economic losses .

  11. 这很轻易使钢&混凝土组合结构由于耐久性能不足而提前破坏,造成重大经济损失。

    And this would make the structure failure before it 's service deadline , and lead to a grate economic loss .

  12. 疾病流行可呈急剧增长态势,并造成重大经济损失。1988年在上海发生的一次暴发疫情中,就有30万人受到感染。

    Epidemics can be explosive in growth and cause significant economic losses : 300000 were affected in one Shanghai outbreak in1988 .

  13. 由于抽采地下水及建筑施工振动等人为因素影响,诱发地面塌陷12处,造成重大经济损失。

    12 places of ground subside are induced because of factors created by men of obtain by drawing groundwater and construction vibraton .

  14. 油气田开发过程中的腐蚀会给油气田造成灾难性事故,而油气田集输和长输管线的腐蚀除造成重大经济损失外,还会造成环境污染和环境修复困难。

    The corrosion in the development of oil and gas fields and transportation will either bring disastrous accident or cause environmental pollution .

  15. 旱涝急转极易造成人员伤亡、水库垮坝等重大经济损失。

    Sudden turn of drought and flood can lead to big economic losses of personal injury and death or break of dams .

  16. 任何一个生产系统经过长期运行和生产负荷变化后都不可避免地发生各种变化,这些变化又不可避免地影响产品质量,甚至引起重大经济损失。

    After long time running , there are some changes in any producing system , which will influence the quality of products unavoidably .

  17. 牛传染性鼻气管炎病毒能引起牛多系统感染,是导致养牛业重大经济损失的一种重要病原。

    Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus ( IBRV ) is an important pathogen leading to significant economic damage , which causes multi-system infection in cattle .

  18. 大型轴件的损坏(如发电机转轴、水泵泵轴以及卷扬机传动轴的损坏)会造成重大经济损失与人身危害。

    Some abrasion , such as that of generator shaft , bump shaft and drive shaft , will lead to great economic loss and harm .

  19. 该病侵染植株根部,严重时引起植株根部腐烂乃至全株枯死,造成重大经济损失。

    This disease usually infects plant roots causing severe root rot and even the whole plant of plants dead and results in significant economic losses .

  20. 它对于防止房地产开发项目投资决策不当,避免造成重大经济损失有重要意义。

    It avoids causing the great economic losses to have important meanings for preventing the development item investment decision of the real estate from being improper .

  21. 近几年,随着我国银行业操作风险事件的频发,不仅已给银行业带来重大经济损失,同时也给银行业带来了负面影响。

    In recent years , along with our country banking operational risk events , At the same time also brought negative impact to the banking industry .

  22. 地震灾害对建设工程的严重破坏,是造成大量人员伤亡、重大经济损失和影响社会经济稳定发展的主要因素。

    Earthquakes severely damage construction projects . It is the mainly factor which causes heavy casualties , big economic losses and affects social and economic stability .

  23. 疟疾造成重大经济损失,可以使高传播率国家的国内生产总值下降1.3%。

    Malaria causes significant economic losses , and can decrease gross domestic product ( GDP ) by as much as1.3 % in countries with high levels of transmission .

  24. 输电线舞动会造成相间闪络、短路、损害金具、断线倒塔等事故,造成重大经济损失。

    The galloping of transmission conductor will cause electric accident , such as flashover , short circuit , hardware damage and so on , creating enormous economic loss .

  25. 由于这方面的研究甚少,相当数量的火灾后吸收塔被拆除重建,造成重大经济损失。

    Because of the lack of research , many desulfurating tower had to be removed and then rebuilt after fire hazard , which has caused great economic loss .

  26. 螺杆压缩机在1998年至2001年间共发生7次转子折断事故,给工厂造成了重大经济损失。

    The accidents that the rotor of screw compressor broke off happened 7 times between 1998 and 2001 . It has caused the great economic losses to factory .

  27. 禽类胚胎性疾病是一类由多病原引起的综合性疾病,可造成禽胚发育受阻,胚胎死亡,孵化率降低等现象,导致养禽业的重大经济损失。

    The disease of avian embryo is a synthetical disease which can cause the increase of embryo death and decrease of incubation rate and is fatal to economy .

  28. 进口方面存在的主要问题包括:机电产品进口体制改革滞后、走私、逃税进口给国家造成重大经济损失、引入适度竞争的同时忽略了保护国内产业的发展等。

    Problems in import includes : the system reform dropped behind , smuggle and tax evasion brought great loss , the neglect to protect domestic industry when introducing moderate competition .

  29. 是世界性的土传植物病原菌,其地理分布十分广泛,可危害660多种植物,造成棉花、草莓、辣椒、西瓜等多种农作物重大经济损失。

    Is the worldwide soil-borne fungus which causes severe vascular wilt in more 660 hosts , including cotton , strawberries , red pepper , water melon and many other crops .

  30. 地下交通系统空间小、通风条件差,一旦受到爆炸荷载的冲击,往往造成惨重的人员伤亡和重大经济损失。

    The space of underground transportation system is always small and poor ventilation . Once a blast occurs in the tunnel , it will cause serious casualties and great economic losses .