- 网络repetition priming;Repeat start

Identification of the Chinese two-character word under repetition priming condition
There are two competing views that explain the influence of repetition priming on temporal order perception .
But when SOA was 200ms , none of priming effect was showed .
Nevertheless , Hutchins & Palmer ( 2008 ) discovered the repetition priming effect in perception on monophonic melodies .
The thermal properties of the bipolar plate in the fuel cell stack are stable during 350 h discharge and repetition startup 100 times experiment .
Within-and between-language repetition priming effect of picture naming in Chinese-English Bilinguals
An Exploration into the Underlying Mechanisms of Skill Learning and Repetition Priming
The Masked Repetition Priming Effect of Emotional Words With Different Encoding Tasks
The Access Mechanism of Chinese Coordinative Compounds under Condition of Repetition Priming
A Repetition Priming Paradigm in Monkey and Its Training Process
The morpheme repeated prime paradigm was used to probe the mental representation of compound words .
There were repetition priming effects in both explicit face matching task and implicit semantic clarify task .
The results collectively indicate that both display duration and task are important determinants of repetition blindness .
The main experimental paradigms include masked priming , repetition priming , implicit priming and picture-word interference paradigms .
There were perceptual priming and conceptual priming of the repetition priming of familiar faces , but only perceptual priming of unfamiliar faces .
THE ROLE OF SEMANTIC TRANSPARENCIES IN THE PROCESSING OF COMPOUND WORDS ; The Masked Repetition Priming Effect of Emotional Words With Different Encoding Tasks
( 2005 ) investigated the problem of which the result showed that there was no repetition priming effect in process of the harmony .
In the current work , the picture naming paradigm was used to investigate the repetition priming effect of the Chinese-English coordinate bilinguals language processing .
Thereby , to observe " pure " conflict adaptation , investigators should control the repetition priming effect , negative priming effect and the response switching effect .
The primes for transparent words were significantly larger than those for opaque ones in the conditions of ( 2 ),( 3 ), and ( 5 ) .
The results suggest that naming picture in the same language ( within-language ) gained more repetition priming effect than that in the different language ( between-language ) .
The present study suggested that the features of this paradigm are as follows : 1 . three sequential steps ( concurrent discrimination , successive discrimination and repetition priming paradigm ) are included ;
The result showed occurrence of repetition priming . And it was affected by the tonality of musical context and the speed of response : repetition priming took place only in atonal melodies and on subjects who showed higher response speed .
In the two experiments , with Chinese word-pairs as materials , the cue familiarity was manipulated through repeated priming , and accessibility was manipulated through the association set size . There was no association between cue words and target words .
What ′ s more , the results also revealed an asymmetry in the between-language repetition , namely the repetition from Chinese to English is larger than vice versa , which is consistent with the Distributed Lexical / Conceptual Model of bilingual language representation .
The present research shows that the helium resonance ignitor and the kerosene / oxygen ignitor characterized with advantages of simple structure , high reliability , and non-poison , etc. , are prospective to be applied for multiple ignition of liquid rocket engine .
Repeated shutdowns and startups are expensive .
Moreover , the repetition priming effects were found not only from the reaction time but also from the gaze duration , fixation frequency , average fixation duration and first saccade latency etc.
Taking the advantage of eye movement technique and dynamic programming method , we analyzed the similarity of scanpaths and meanwhile proved the repetition priming effect from the eye movement data .