
jiàn kānɡ zhuànɡ tài
  • health status
  1. DataSources选项卡显示数据库数据源的健康状态。

    The Data Sources tab shows the health of database data sources .

  2. 基于Logistic回归模型的旋转机械健康状态评估研究

    Research on Condition Health Assessment of Rotating Machinery Based on Logistic Regression

  3. 我唯一担忧的是他的健康状态。

    The only thing I am concerned about is his fitness .

  4. 按计划开展日常的生活照料、身体锻炼,定期监测、维持与评估自身健康状态。

    Fourth , they will manage their own health through daily life care , physical exercise , and regular monitoring and assessment of their own health status .

  5. 前面讨论的ModuleHealth部件显示具体模块的健康状态,而这个部件显示整个系统的健康状态。

    Whereas the Module Health widget previously discussed drills into the health of a particular module , this widget looks at the health of the overall system .

  6. 我在每个AIXLPAR上执行几个健康状态检查。

    I performed several health checks on each AIX LPAR .

  7. 与Tivoli集成,可以把总体健康状态监视和数据库向下钻取融合在一起。

    Integration with Tivoli for overall health with database drilldown .

  8. 这些步骤检查VIOS的健康状态。

    These steps were to check the general health of the VIOS .

  9. RobPark则认为,把一些没有完成的故事从一个sprint转移到下一个sprint也许意味着这个团队处于健康状态。

    Rob Park suggested that some unfinished stories rolling over from one sprint to the next might be a healthy sign .

  10. 对每个VIOS执行健康状态检查。

    Perform a health check on each VIOS .

  11. 营养:在MD的治疗上,营养似乎并没有太大的关系,但它对保持良好的健康状态非常重要。

    Nutrition : Nutrition has not been shown to treat any conditions of MD , but it is essential to maintaining good health .

  12. Autonomiccomputingdaemon(db2acd):驻留健康状态监视程序、自动维护实用程序和管理任务调度程序。

    Autonomic computing daemon ( db2acd ): Hosts the health monitor , automatic maintenance utilities , and the administrative task scheduler .

  13. 如果健康状态检查不成功,那么使用NIM从mksysb恢复VIOS。

    If the health check is not successful , then restore the VIOS from mksysb using NIM .

  14. 目的:本文应用基于数据挖掘流程的logistic回归方法建模,对亚健康状态的人群进行分类并分析其临床特征。

    Objective : this paper aims to analyze the survey data using logistic regression method based on data mining process to get the final classification and the clinic characteristic of the sub-health crowd .

  15. 因此本文以RH株弓形虫为虫株,以家兔为实验动物建立雄性弓形虫感染模型和雌兔不同阴道健康状态模型。

    In our study , the animal models were established with the male rabbits infected by RH strain Toxoplasma and female rabbits made in different healthy status of vagina .

  16. 处于亚健康状态的鸡群使用鸡脾TF可提高机体抗病力,可与疫苗免疫同时使用,临床饮水使用的最佳剂量为0.5mL/只。

    TF could be used with vaccine and the best dosage was 0 . 5 mL per chicken by drinking .

  17. 经CT、B超、GI检查随访1a,17例(54.8%)患者的恶性肿瘤阴影变小,80.6%患者健康状态稳定。

    Results : During one year 's CT , BUS and GI follow up check the health condition was steady in 80.6 % patients and the tumorous shadows became smaller in 54.8 % patients .

  18. 训练前后采用简易精神状态检查量表(MMSE)、日常生活活动量表(ADL)、健康状态调查问卷(SF-36)进行评定。

    All the patients were evaluated with the mini-mental state examination ( MMSE ), ADL scale and health state survey questionnaire ( SF-36 ) before and after training .

  19. 方法:应用症状自评量表(SCL-90)、应对方式(SCSQ)量表对102例精神科医生进行心理健康状态测评。

    Methods : Symptom Checklist ( SCL-90 ), coping styles ( SCSQ ) scale of102 cases of psychiatric doctors in mental health evaluation .

  20. 应用频数、均数、标准差分析、主成分因子分析、聚类分析、logistic回归分析等统计方法分析调查对象的健康状态及其影响因素。

    The analysis of health status and its influencing factors was applicating the statistical method of frequency , mean , standard deviation analysis , principal component factor analysis , cluster analysis , logistic regression analysis . [ Results ] 1 .

  21. 通过使用ssh,管理员可以轻松地运行脚本来分析客户机并应用补丁,还可以收集安全性、健康状态或资产管理检查所需的数据。

    Using ssh , the administrator can easily analyze the client and apply fixes by running scripts , or the administrator can collect data for security , health , or asset management checks .

  22. 它还能降低身体LDL(低密度脂蛋白)或“坏”的胆固醇水平,像其它纤维素一样,能帮助消化系统维持健康状态。

    It can also lower the levels of LDL , or " bad " cholesterol in the body . Pectin , like other forms of fiber , helps maintain the health of the digestive system .

  23. 2004年,较右倾的共和党之一迪克切尼(DickCheney)为了支持一项达1万亿美元的减税计划而说了这句话,而当时的公共财政离健康状态相距甚远。

    In 2004 Dick Cheney , one of the more right-leaning Republicans , was making the case for a trillion - dollar tax cut , when the public finances were in far from healthy shape .

  24. 调查重点放在道路近旁小型啮齿类的分布状况及身体健康状态。其中大林姬鼠(Apodemuspeninsulae)似乎比黑线姬鼠(Apodemusagrarius)对道路的有无更加敏感。

    Korean field mouse ( Apodemus peninsulae ) seems to be more sensitive to the existence of a road than striped field mouse ( Apodemus agrarius ) .

  25. 目的:通过检测IL-1B+3953等位基因在不同牙周健康状态汉族人群中的分布,分析IL-1B+3953等位基因与慢性牙周炎的相关关系。

    Objective : To examine the distribution of IL-1B + 3953 genotypes of Han nationality people with different periodontal health status and to evaluate if there is an association between the genotype of IL-1B + 3953 and the severity of periodontitis .

  26. 最后还对影响定位精度的关键因素进行详细的分析并进行纠正,并且编码实现了RAIM算法来监测卫星的健康状态来提高定位精度。

    Finally the article analysed and corrected the key factors affecting the positioning accuracy , and realized the RAIM algorithm to monitor the state of satellites to improve positioning accuracy .

  27. XTCM提供了对机组过程状态和设备健康状态进行监视、记录、分析、诊断和决策的统一平台。

    XTCM provides a integrated platform for monitoring , recording , analyzing , diagnosing and decision making of process state and health condition .

  28. 方法:本研究采用方差分析了解管理人员的工作压力源、控制感、应对方式和心理健康状态,并利用线性结构方程模型(LISREL)探讨工作压力过程模型。

    Methods : The study assessed the status of job stressor , sense of control , coping styles and mental health of manger and LISREL was employed to explore the job stress process .

  29. 试论形神学说在亚健康状态调治中的意义

    Exploration of New Treatment for Sub-health State Based on Constitution-Mentality Doctrine

  30. 中医药调治亚健康状态的进展

    Advances in Regulation and Treatment of Sub-health State with Chinese Medicine