
  • 网络Moral value orientation;approach of moral values
  1. 当代大学生性道德价值取向调查研究

    The Investigative Research On Value-Orientation of the Sex Morals of Contemporary College Students

  2. 道德价值取向的界定和分类

    The Analysis of Meaning of Moral Values Orientation

  3. 新加坡的道德价值取向

    The Tendency of Singapore 's Moral Values

  4. 他们的社会地位和作用,以及他们自身的道德价值取向、水平和实际表现,对全社会有着及其重要的导向作用;

    They have significant public opinion value because of their important society status and function .

  5. 公益广告倡导合理的伦理秩序,传播文明伦理精神,明确社会道德价值取向。

    The public service advertising proposes the reasonable ethical order , spreads the ethical spirits of the civilization and makes clear the value of the social morality .

  6. 现实的境遇与社会变化、多元的道德价值取向与精神诉求,给人们的道德选择带来了困难:伴随着财经领域内一系列道德问题的产生,财经伦理也越来越受关注。

    The realistic circumstances and various of requests of value and morality have brought us difficulties . People begin to focus their attention on the morality in finance and economics .

  7. 网络时代出现种种伦理危机,导致大学生的道德价值取向多元化、道德人格丧失、道德冷漠和虚伪,以及网络违法犯罪活动等。

    The ethics crisises emerged in era of network lead college students have multiple orientation of value , lose their moral personality , be cold in morality and commit a crime on network .

  8. 本文以问卷和座谈等方式,调查在道德价值取向和评价标准多元化阶段,军医大学女研究生从道德和行为认知方式上如何看待爱情、婚姻和家庭选择的变化。

    This article studies the attitude of female postgraduates in military medical university to love , marriage and family nowadays with the diversity moral and evaluation standards by the methods of survey and symposium .

  9. 以中国古代审美哲学思想的演变为基本线索,从古代审美心理的本质特征、美学范畴中的美德关系和美德结构等三方面论述了传统美学思想中道德价值取向的基本内涵。

    From the evolution of ancient China 's aesthetic philosophy , this paper discusses the connotation of moral values in respect of the essence and categories of ancient aesthetic as well as the structure of virtue .

  10. 一方面法律自身内涵着人类真善美的道德价值取向,另一方面对实现道德理想起着规范、制约、引导和保障的作用。

    On one hand , the law itself embraces the moral orientation of truth , goodness and beauty , on the other hand , it serves to regulate , restrict , guide and guarantee the realization of moral ideals .

  11. 解放区文学的情爱叙事多为创作主体叙事诉求的体现,即在情爱叙事中蕴含着作者的叙事意旨、道德价值取向等等,即以最私人化的个体情感来折射波澜壮阔的时代意蕴。

    The love narrative of liberated areas literature usually embodied narrative of body of works , in which contained authors narrative intention and their tendency of moral value etc , is the last word in private individual emotion to reflect the vast times implication .

  12. 二是伦理道德、价值取向及审美型文化;

    Culture of ethics , value orientation and aesthetic ;

  13. 结果发现,社会规范包括伦理道德、价值取向、法律规章、社会习俗四个纬度。

    Social norms include 4 latitude , ethical moral , value tendency , law regulation , social custom .

  14. 其中,伦理道德和价值取向组成内控规范,法律规章和社会习俗组成外控规范。

    Ethical moral and value tendency form the Inner norms , law regulation and social custom form Outer norms .

  15. 伴随着冲突的合作关系表现在道德的价值取向、经济问题、政治问题和公平问题四个方面。

    The cooperation accompanied by conflict is shown in the following aspects : the value orientation of morality , economic issues , political issues and the justice issues .

  16. 明确的人生目标,道德的价值取向;通过学习,为客户增加价值,为自己创造价值。

    Staff should have clear life goal and ethical characteristic ; Through studying , we can provide our customers with extra value , simultaneous , create value for ourselves .

  17. 根据新的实践要求,重构医学道德的价值取向&人道功利主义,这是当今医疗卫生事业的性质及发展所决定的。

    The writer construct new value assumption of the medical ethics , called Humanity utilitarianism , on the base of the demand of practice . The Humanity utilitarianism is decided by the character and development of the medical and healthy work at present .

  18. 结果表明:(1)三国国民的社会规范的基本维度是一致的,包括伦理道德、价值取向、法律规章和社会习俗4个维度。

    The results showed : ( 1 ) The basic two types of social norms of the Chinese , the Japanese and the Americans were the same , including the ethic and moral , value orientation , the law and the rules , and the social custom .

  19. 论科学家的道德责任及其价值取向

    Discussion on the Moral Responsibility and Value Orientation of Scientists

  20. 试论医疗经济活动中的伦理道德标准和价值取向

    The ethics moral standard and value orientation in the activities of medical economics

  21. 第一部分,阐明构成道德教育及其价值取向的基本要素以及它们之间的相互关系,以便对道德教育价值取向有一个统一的认识。

    In part two , we first got Japanese moral education 's value-orientation over generally .

  22. 如果道德和道德价值取向一致,你得锻炼你严格推理有关道德和道德价值问题的技巧。

    If ethics and morals go together , you have to hone your skills at reasoning critically about ethical and moral issues .

  23. 休闲文学有自身的道德价值和伦理取向,内容上具有非功利性,风格上轻松、闲适。

    It has its own moral value and standard , the content being non-utilitarian and the style being easy , leisurely and comfortable .

  24. 中国人在内控规范中,以伦理道德为主,价值取向为次;

    On one hand , within the internal norm of chinese , the moral principle was the main force while the value orientation was the supplementary ;

  25. 有别于传统道德优先的价值取向,徽商确立了崇德与治生的双重价值取向。

    Distinguished from the traditional value orientation which advocates morality , Huizhou merchants established the dual value orientations of advocating morality and earning one 's living .

  26. 明明德与生活&论大学之道明明德:大学生思想道德修养的价值取向

    Illustrating illustrious virtue and life & on the fundamental doctrine of the great leaning Illustrating Illustrious Value : The Value Orientation of the Ideological and Moral Cultivation of the College Students

  27. 各种语用通过使用习惯而成为文化,这种语用文化又通过对某种道德规范和价值取向的依赖进行冻结或固定化,从而生成某种意识形态倾向或内容。

    Different language uses have conventionally turned into pragmatic culture which becomes frozen and fixed by way of moral codes and value orientations , resulting in certain ideological tendencies or contents .

  28. 并把它作为高校大学生思想道德修养的价值取向,来教育和培养当代的大学生。

    Also , we should consider it to be the value orientation of the ideological and moral cultivation of college students to cultivate them to be builders of socialism and reliable successors .

  29. 在这一阶段里,网络给他们的生活、学习带来很多便利性,同时也影响着他们尚未完全形成的道德观念、价值取向、思维模式等。

    In this period , network brings in much convenience in their life and study , and also exerts much influence upon their developing views of morality , values and thinking way .

  30. 互联网的出现和信息技术的广泛应用,不仅改变了当代大学生学习生活的模式,而且也深深地改变着他们的思想观念、政治态度、道德风貌和价值取向。

    The appearance of Internet and the wide use of information technology have changed the life style and learning method of college students and their ideological orientation , political attitudes , moral concepts and sense of social values as well .