
  • 网络subcooler;supercooler;sub-cooler;super cooler
  1. 空分装置液空过冷器堵塞判断与处理

    Judgment of clogging in liquid air subcooler installed in an air separation plant and solutions

  2. 分析了液空过冷器液空通道被硅胶粉末及玻璃丝棉堵塞的原因,介绍了处理措施;

    The causes leading to the clogging of liquid air passages of a liquid air subcooler by silicon gel powder and glass fiber are analyzed . In addition , the measures to solve this problem are given .

  3. 通过增加冷媒过冷器,可以明显地提高系统COP和ECOP值。

    Meanwhile , the system 's COP and ECOP can be increased largely by adding the subcooler .

  4. 冰浆制取装置的设计及过冷器中流体流动模拟分析

    Generator design of ice slurry and simulation and analysis of flow in supercooler

  5. 氩过冷器通道堵塞分析及处理

    Analyzing the blockage of passages in an argon subcooler and coping with the problem

  6. 大过冷度逆流式过冷器换热特性研究逆流式过冷&高温水蓄冷空调系统特性实验研究

    Study on Heat Transfer Performance of Supercooling Heat Exchanger in Great Supercooling Temperature Refrigeration & Chilled Water Storage System

  7. 介绍了涡旋压缩机闪发器热泵系统,并在结构特点方面与对应的过冷器系统作了比较。

    The heat pump system with scroll compressor flash-tank is presented , and it was compared with sub-cooler system in structural characteristics .

  8. 在大型航天器的真空热试验中,仅从过冷器排除的液氮和低温气氮的混合物就达约5×104kg,其中蕴涵了108kJ量级的冷能。

    About 5 × 104 kg mixture is removed from the supercooler in the vacuum thermal test of spacecraft , carrying 108 kJ of cold energy .

  9. 通过进一步的分析比较,初步确定了SCQ磁体的冷却方式及满足SCQ磁体冷却条件下的氦过冷换热器的设计参数。

    In the end determined cooling scheme for the SCQ magnets and design parameters of the subcooler .

  10. 过冷沸腾时器内液体振动的频域分析

    Freqency-domain analysis of liquid vibration in a channel system with subcooled boiling