
  • 网络regulator station;Regulating Station
  1. 燃气调压站的安全装置及其安全性分析

    Safety Devices Used in Gas Regulator Station and Their Safety Analysis

  2. 气体调压站自控系统在线改造及程序优化

    Online Transformation and Program Optimization for Gas Regulator Station Automatic Control System

  3. 在调压站、储配站应用嵌入式采集系统(内置Web服务器),采集底层数据。

    Embedded collection system ( including Web server ) collects bottom datas in pressure stations and storage stations .

  4. 在本设计中,煤气监控中心用IE浏览器通过Internet远程监控调压站、储配站。

    In the design , Gas distribution center can watch and controll pressure stations and storage stations using IE by internet .

  5. 燃气调压站的选址和调压器的选型配置

    Siting of Gas Pressure Regulating Station and Type Selection of Regulator

  6. 城市煤气调压站过滤器性能与结构分析

    Property and Structure of Filter of Gas Pressure Regulating Station

  7. 区域调压站最小二乘法调节模式的推导

    A Derivation of Regulation Mode on Minimum Square Method for District Regulation Station

  8. 橇装式燃气调压站设备的选用

    Selection of Skid-mounted Gas Regulator Station Equipment Plant Construction

  9. 城市煤气输配系统调压站的优化设计

    Optimum Design of the Layout of the PRS for the Urban Gas Distribution System

  10. 邯钢气体调压站自控系统在线改造技术实践

    Handan Iron and Steel Gas Regulator Station Automatic Control System Modification Technology Practice Online

  11. 关于气体压强在大气中与大气重力压强的讨论试析煤气调压站的合理建设

    Discussing about the pressure of gas On Reasonable Construction of Gas Melody Pressure Station

  12. 高中压调压站的最佳配置

    Optimal Installation Numbers of High-medium Pressure Regulating Station

  13. 天然气调压站工艺方案设计实践

    The Design and practice of NG Regulation Station

  14. 试析煤气调压站的合理建设

    On Reasonable Construction of Gas Melody Pressure Station

  15. 区域调压站中调压器的改造

    Reform of Regulator at District Regulator Station

  16. 用于燃气调峰和城市调压站的天然气液化装置设计

    Design of natural gas liquefying apparatus for gas peak regulation and urban pressure regulating stations

  17. 浅谈燃气调压站安全装置

    The Emergency Apparatus of Gas Regulator Station

  18. 提出了天然气计量调压站应该简单、轻便的观点,在建设设计中应首先考虑安全、准确、经济和可靠。

    A viewpoint of simplification and portability for a gas metering and pressure regulating station is proposed .

  19. 分析了由人工煤气转换成天然气后,原有雷诺式调压站出现的问题。

    The problems existing in original Reynold gas regulator station converted from manufactured gas to natural gas are analyzed .

  20. 天然气管道中蕴含着巨大的压力能,但目前国内调压站并未加以回收。

    Natural Gas Pipelines , there is a huge amount of pressure , but the domestic pressure regulating stations and is not to be recycled .

  21. 探讨了燃气调压站的设计规模、调压流程、调压器选型及降低投资的途径等问题。

    Some problems , such as design scale , regulating process , regulator model selection and ways of reducing investment of gas regulator station are discussed .

  22. 分析了置换天然气前调压站现状及存在的问题,介绍了置换天然气中调压站的技术改造方案。

    This paper analyses the problems and status quo on pressure regulating station before gas replacement as well as introduces the technical reform scheme of gas replacement .

  23. 但是目前,在大多数城市燃气输配管网中,对各调压站的监控仍采取人工记录、逐级汇报的方法。

    Now , the method for the all transform station monitor is adopted by manual record and step-by-step report in most of city gas deliver and piping network .

  24. 针对大同煤矿集团公司煤气调压站设计、运行存在的问题,结合实例,进一步探讨调压站选址、选型、建设方式的问题,为煤气调压站的合理建设提供理论依据和实践经验。

    According to existing problems in designing , running in out group corp , the paper discusses the methods of selecting site , selecting type and building patterns .

  25. 对城市煤气调压站过滤器的结构、过滤网的选择及过滤器维修周期等问题进行了探讨分析,提出了改进措施。

    This paper probes into structure of filter of gas pressure regulating station , selection of filter net and service period of filter , puts forward appropriate improvement measures .

  26. 讨论了燃气管道的布置、低压燃气管道管材的选择、区域调压站的安全性和水力可靠性。

    The paper discussed the layout of gas pipeline , the selection of material of low pressure pipe , the safety and hydraulic reliability of pressure regulator stations of residential districts .

  27. 易燃易爆气体和液体的充装站、供应站、调压站,应当设置在合理的位置,符合防火防爆要求。不要在野外生火,乱扔烟头,严防火灾。防守队员要求身强力壮。

    Filling and loading stations , supply stations and pressure regulating stations for inflammable and explosive gas and liquid shall be set up in an appropriate location and shall conform to the requirements on prevention of fire and explosion .

  28. 分析橇装式调压站和现场安装式调压站的技术性和经济性,橇装式调压站质量可靠,维护方便,可大大提高设计、施工和维护人员的工作效率。

    The technology and economy of skid-mounted regulator station and field-mounted regulator station are analyzed . The skid-mounted regulator station is characterized by reliable quality and maintenance convenience , and can improve the working efficiency of designer , constructor and maintainer .

  29. 论述了天然气计量调压站设计参数的选取原则及管线、汇管、控制阀、阀门、超压保护和计量仪表的设计原则和方法。

    The characters of safety , precision , economy and stability shall be considered in the construction design , the principles and methods for selecting the parameters of the station design , its pipelines , manifolds , control valves , overpressure protection , meters and instruments .