
  1. 他从来没出过国。

    He has never been abroad .

  2. 检验结果尚未查明澳大利亚的甲型H1N1流感病毒是从其他国家流入,或是在从来没有出过国的澳大利亚人之间传播。

    Tests have yet to reveal if the infections in Australia have been imported from other countries or whether the virus has started to spread among those who have not traveled overseas .

  3. 王先生,你以前有没有出过国?

    Have you ever been overseas , Mr wang ?

  4. 他们其中的大部分人从未出过国。

    Most of them had never been abroad before .

  5. 过去五年内你出过国。

    You 've been out of the country in the last five years .

  6. 所以以前从没出过国的学生可以扩展他们的视野。

    So students who 've never been overseas before can broaden their perspective .

  7. 尽管他们二人之前没有出过国。

    The couple haven 't been to foreign countries .

  8. 我弟弟以前从未出过国。

    My brother has never been abroad before .

  9. 你会后悔从未出过国吗?

    Would you regret never having traveled abroad ?

  10. 因为科迪没出过国,所以他决定去法国旅行。

    Because he had never been abroad , Cody decided to take a trip to France .

  11. 我出过国,今年的七月份曾经以翻译身份出过国!

    I have been to foreign country in July as a translator for one middle-size company .

  12. 我弟弟以前从未出过国,因此,他觉得这次旅行非常激动人生。

    My brother has never been abroad before , so he is finding this trip very exciting .

  13. 你从来没有出过国,我想你来的话,你也会喜欢这里的。

    You have never been abroad and I guess you will also like this country if you come .

  14. 我一直写着这样故事,虽然说我当时住在尼日利亚,并且从来没有出过国。

    Now , this despite the fact that I lived in Nigeria . I had never been outside Nigeria .

  15. 与没有出过国的人相比,在海外工作过的埃及人的工资最多可高出38%。

    Egyptians who had worked abroad earned up to 38 per cent more than those who had not travelled .

  16. 在这方面,那些已经出过国而且有在其他国家出差相关经验的员工明显比那些没有这些经验的人做得好。

    In this respect , those who have been abroad and have previous experience of other countries will obviously do better than those who haven 't.

  17. 我有一位熟人常住英国,从未出过国,去年夏天决定到法国去旅行。

    An acquaintance of mine who lives in England and had never been outside until last summer , decided to go over to France for a trip .

  18. 据国内媒体报道,6年后,男子的父母才了解到儿子从未出过国,而是一直住在北京,并且将三分之一留学的钱都花在了女友身上。

    Six years later his parents learned that the young man had never left China & instead living in Beijing and blowing a third of the money on his girlfriend , Chinese media reported .

  19. 购买名牌商品已经成为许多旅游新军旅行活动的重点。他们将此视为感受发达国家用户至上主义的途径,还可以向家里的亲朋好友展示:他们确实出过国了。

    For many newbie travelers , buying brand-name goods has become a central point of tourism , a way to participate in developed world consumerism and show the folks back home they 've indeed been abroad .

  20. 奈特住在苏格兰的一个小镇上,假期也总是呆在苏格兰,但是去年,他想:“我从未出过国,而很多人都去过西班牙度假,对那评价很高,因此今年我也要去那儿。”

    Nat lived in a small town in Scotland . He always stayed in Scotland for his holidays , but then last year he thought , " I 've never been outside this country . Many citizens go to Spain and they regard it highly . So this year I 'm going to go there , too . "

  21. 我从未暗示过联合国部队实际上能够将该地区各参战方隔离开。

    I have never suggested that UN forces could physically separate the combatants in the region

  22. 访问朝鲜时见识过该国新公开的铀浓缩工厂的科学家西格赫克(SigHecker)表示,该工厂控制室的现代化程度高得令人吃惊。

    Sig Hecker , the visiting scientist who saw the recently unveiled enrichment plant , said its control room was astonishingly modern .

  23. 这一决定曾徵询过他国政府的意见。

    Foreign governments have been consulted about this decision .

  24. 她还曾担任过联合国大使和助理国务卿。

    She has also served as U.N. ambassador and assistant secretary of state .

  25. 大多数人从没有读过联合国的这份报告。

    Most people have never read the UN report .

  26. 到过小人国的人一定惊讶及想再回去参观。

    You 'll be surprised what you see and want to come back again .

  27. 此前,他还任命过该国的首位女州长以及女部长。

    Karzai also appointed the country 's first female governor as well as female ministers .

  28. 你过去来访问过我国吗?

    Have you visited our country before ?

  29. 几内亚比绍选民将在两个以前领导过该国的候选人之间选择。

    Voters in Guinea-Bissau are choosing between two men who have both led the country before .

  30. 二战时,正值青少年时期的她住在被德军占领的荷兰,战后,她曾接受过联合国儿童基金会的援助。

    As a teenager living in occupied Holland after the War , she received aid from the fund .