
  1. 发展与困惑:自然辩证法研究的若干问题

    Development and Perplexities Issues in the study of Natural Dialectics

  2. 运用辩证法研究修辞。

    Using the dialectical method to research rhetoric .

  3. 辩证法研究对立物是怎样变统一的。

    Dialectic studies how opposites can become identical .

  4. 马克思的系统结构分析方法&《资本论》系统辩证法研究

    Discussion on Marx 's Structural Analysis Method

  5. 用自然辩证法研究四川洪旱问题

    An investigation of flood and drought problems in Sichuan Province using the dialectics of nature

  6. 1998-2002年《自然辩证法研究》的统计分析

    The Statistic Analysis of the Journal of Studies in Dialectics of Nature in Between 1998 and 2002

  7. 新世纪自然辩证法研究的两个方向&工程哲学和周易哲学

    Two Research Directions of Dialectics of Nature in the New Century & Philosophy of Engineering and Philosophy of I-Ching

  8. 从哲学角度看,界面就是辩证法研究的中介系统,是理解世界的发展图景和联系图景的基础。

    From a philosophical perspective , the interface is a inter-system , it is a basic for understanding the development and the connection of the word landscape .

  9. 通过系统的考察和分析,以探寻这一时期中国自然辩证法研究的基本规律。

    By systematic analysis , explores the basic law of Chinese natural dialectics from 1956 to 1966.Chapter III abstracts the features of the dialectics of nature research of this period .

  10. 现行否定观因片面强调了事物的自我否定,把外在否定排斥在辩证法研究范围之外,引致了一系列的理论误区。

    The present concept of negative lays emphasis on the self negative of matter , thus excluding the external negative in the studying scope of dialectics and has brought a series of theoretic wrong points .

  11. 在中国科协领导下,分别成立了中国自然辩证法研究会易学与科学专业委员会和中国科学技术发展基金会东方国际易学研究基金委员会,简称“一院两会”。

    Under the leadership of the China Association for science and technology , Chinese Society for I-Ching Theory and science and Oriental International Association I-Ching of Chinese science and technology development foundation are respectively established , or " one academy and two associations " for short .

  12. 辩证法理论研究综述

    A Summary of the Studies on Dialectic Theory

  13. 恩格斯《自然辩证法》研究导论

    Study Introduction to Engels ' Dialectics of Nature

  14. 积极开展农学辩证法的研究

    Develop scientific research on agricultural Dialectics

  15. 第二章介绍苏联、日本以及西方马克思主义对自然辩证法的研究情况。

    The second chapter is devoted to introduce Soviet Union , Japan and Western Marxism researching about it .

  16. 对社会主义和谐社会辩证法的研究,有助于适应当今世界发展的大局。

    Dialectics of socialist harmonious society and help to adapt to the overall development of the world today .

  17. 第三章介绍我国自然辩证法的研究与发展,从自然辩证法传入我国到迎来我国自然辩证法发展的繁荣期。

    The third chapter describes our research and development of Dialectics of Nature from it into China to usher in prosperity .

  18. 自然辩证法是研究自然界和科学技术发展的一般规律以及人类认识和改造自然的一般方法的科学。

    Natural dialectics is a universal law and method in studying the nature and the development of science and technology , recognizing and reforming the nature .

  19. 自然辩证法界研究技术创新应该凸现自己学科特色,具有更高的学术旨趣,为本学科的发展作贡献。

    In the studies of technological innovation , a scholar in circles of dialectics of nature should have his own disciplinary characteristic and have the purpose of developing his discipline .

  20. 本论文以哲学的唯物辩证法为研究方法,从经济学与哲学、伦理学的相互关系、相互作用入手从而确立经济伦理学的主要内容和主要问题。

    This paper employs the materialism dialectic method of philosophy to establish the main contents and issues of question of economic ethics , which is derived from the interaction of economics , philosophy and ethics .

  21. 从系统论的哲学研究出发.加强对矛盾论与系统论、辩证法关系的研究。

    Strengthening the research in the relation among theories of contradiction , systematology and dialectics .

  22. 对教育辩证法的深入研究的意义在于:一方面,有利于进一步认识教育的辩证本性,自觉地按照教育的辩证规律进行教育实践;

    It is benefitted to understand more about the dialectic nature of education to research the dialectics of education deeply , so that we can educate consciously according to it .

  23. 中医学研究生自然辩证法教学改革的研究与思考

    Teaching reform of dialectics of nature in TCM postgraduates education

  24. 辩证法之于翻译研究有极强的适用性。

    Material Dialectics is highly applicable to translation studies .

  25. 唯物辩证法在自然地理学研究中的重要意义

    On the important significance of materialist dialectics in the research of physical geography

  26. 马克思与阿多诺辩证法思想的比较研究

    A Comparative Study of Marx and Adorno 's Dialectics

  27. 浅谈自然辩证法在食品科学研究中的应用

    A brief discussion of the application of the dialectics in Food Science Research

  28. 马克思主义的唯物辩证法思想是我们研究民族文化发展规律的指导原则。

    The materialist dialectics of Marxism is a guideline on our research on the evolution principles of ethnic cultures .

  29. 自然辩证法教学对理科研究生创新精神的培养是至关重要的。

    Teaching Dialectics of Nature is very important for graduate students of science to cultivate their spirit of innovation .

  30. 我们运用辩证法、比较等研究方法,将同义避复与类似的修辞手法进行了区分,对它的概念作了界定。

    We distinguished the using synonym to avoid repetition with similar rhetoric skills and defined the concept by using dialectics , comparison and other research methods .