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  • 网络Argue;vindicate;Justify;vindication;justification;explication
辩明 [biàn míng]
  • [explain clearly] 辩论明白

  • 辩明正误

  1. 大多数大型组织经历过主要计划并处理其自己的用于定义、辩明、方向设置,及大型组织变更的启动的实践。

    Most large organizations have experience with major initiatives and possess their own practices for the definition , justification , direction setting and launch of large organizational changes .

  2. 大多数情况下,它由一定行政机关主持,有关行政相对人参与,围绕特定问题来进行举证、论证和辩明。

    In most cases , it shall be presided over by a certain administrative organs , the administrative relative to participate in , around a particular problem for proof , proof and justification .

  3. 当时,这个案件的可辩明性不明显。

    At the time the justifiability of the case is not obvious .

  4. 辩解,辩明,辩护:证明为正当的行为。

    The condition or fact of being justified .

  5. 我们的目标不是胜利,而是辩明权力;

    Our goal is not the victory of might , but the vindication of right ;

  6. 公立医院产权制度改革需要辩明的几个问题

    Several issues that should be clearly explained towards reforming property right system of public hospitals ZHU Ziyan

  7. 有知识的人激烈争论是为了辩明真理;无知的人激烈争论是为了固执己见。

    A knowing man is hot in arguing for truth 's sake ; an ignorant man for opinion 's sake .

  8. 在论辩中运用同一律,确保辩论始终围绕辩题进行,从而真正辩明是非;

    Using identity law in debate , the debate be ensured to go around its subject to get a judgment .

  9. 这一等是出于爱心,知道我是为辩明福音设立的。

    The latter do so in love , knowing that I am put here for the defense of the gospel .

  10. 他必杀我.虽无指望、而我在他面前还要辩明我所行的。

    Though he slay me , yet will I hope in him ; I will surely defend my ways to his face .

  11. 婚俗也为人们观察法治提供了新视角,辩明法治的发展路径。

    The marriage custom provides new perspective to observe the rule by law and the path to development of the rule by law .

  12. 历史档案和口述材料的利用,必须认真考订,辩明其真伪错讹;

    The use of historical files and an oral account of the material must be examined conscientiously and distinguished between the true and false .

  13. 价值判断在于区分和把握善与恶、美与丑,逻辑判断在于辩明真与假、是与非。

    Value judgment consists in distinguishing goodness from evil , beauty from ugliness , while logic evaluation in distinguishing truth from false , right from wrong .

  14. 笔者通过对传统法定抵销的四要件进行多层次、多角度地论述,以期辩明法理、开扩思路。

    The author tries to distinguish the legal principle and broaden the mind by analyzing the four requirements of the traditional legal offset from multiple perspectives and levels .

  15. 列举了有代表性的企业核心竞争力的定义,初步辩明了医院核心竞争力与核心技术、资源、核心价值观的关系。

    The paper put forward the concept of enterprise core competitiveness with representation , and preliminarily described the relationship between the core competitiveness and core technique , resources and core value outlook .

  16. 我为你们众人有这样的意念,原是应当的。因你们常在我心里,无论我是在捆锁之中,是辩明证实福音的时候,你们都与我一同得恩。

    Even as it is meet for me to think this of you all , because I have you in my heart ; inasmuch as both in my bonds , and in the defence and confirmation of the gospel , ye all are partakers of my grace .