
  • 网络Software Project Planning;software project plan
  1. 基于过程知识的软件项目计划及其控制

    Process Knowledge-based Software Project Planning and Controlling

  2. 本文以多语言智能信息服务系统做为研究对象,着重研究软件项目计划的制定对软件实施的影响。

    It mainly studies how software project planning can implement the software .

  3. COCOMOII是一个客观的软件项目计划和执行的费用模型,它支持在可靠的估计基础上的投资回报决定。

    COCOMO II is an objective cost model for planning and executing software projects that supports return-on-investment decisions with a credible basis of estimate .

  4. 制订软件项目计划的方法与策略

    The method and tactics of making the software project plan

  5. 文档化软件项目计划。

    The plan for the software project is documented .

  6. 软件项目计划制定和追踪的方法

    An Approach of Software Project Plan Making and Tracking

  7. 基于遗传算法的软件项目计划问题研究

    Study of Project Plan Based on Genetic Algorithm

  8. 软件项目计划的目标规划模型

    Object Programming Model for Software Project Plan

  9. 力图通过一个数学的模型,来尽量准确地刻画软件项目计划中各个要素之间的关系。

    We try to set up a math model to exactly depict the relationship between the elements in software project plan .

  10. 软件项目计划中加入风险计划可有效防止项目因意外情况或紧急事件偏离正轨。

    Adding a risk plan to a software project plan is an effective way to keep the project from being derailed by surprises or emergencies .

  11. 本文对软件项目计划控制过程中的具体方法进行系统研究,为软件企业实施软件项目管理提供参考。

    The present dissertation is an attempt of a systematic study on the approaches adopted in the process of controlling the plan of a software project , which might offer a practical reference to software companies .

  12. 运用P3软件实施项目计划管理的方法

    The method to apply P3 software to the project plan management

  13. 那么到底是什么使得软件项目的计划如此之难呢?

    What is it then that makes planning of software projects so hard ?

  14. 你和你的组织怎样才能够持续地做好软件项目的计划和执行?

    How can you and your organization get better with planning and executing software projects consistently ?

  15. 因此,软件项目在计划和实际之间存在很大的不一致性。

    The typical variance of software projects , in terms of plans versus actuals , is thus very large .

  16. 研究了软件工程项目计划管理、项目进度管理、成本控制技术在中小软件开发企业中如何应用。

    How to apply plan management , process management , control of cost of software engineering are studied in the middle and small software development enterprises .

  17. 尽管如此,很少有软件项目按照计划执行;最初的和后来的评估都会走样,我们需要频繁的中心制定计划,不幸的是这些计划往往也都过于乐观。

    Still , few software projects perform as planned ; initial as well as later estimates tend to be way off , demanding frequent re-planning , which unfortunately also tends to be overly optimistic .

  18. “V1:敏捷团队”的目标是,为用户提供快捷、便利、功能强大的工具,用来对软件开发项目进行计划和跟踪。

    Our goal with V1 : Agile Team is to provide customers a quicker , easier and more powerful way to plan and track a software development project .

  19. 技术债务是软件质量和项目计划之间的一种权衡。

    Technical debt is a trade-off between software quality and project schedule .

  20. 针对软件项目风险管理计划阶段的特点,建立了一种面向计划的软件项目风险缓解策略优选模型,并给出了求解算法。

    In this work , an economic optimization model for selecting risk reduction actions in the phase of software project risk response planning is presented and its algorithm is also given .

  21. 结合现代公交企业的实际情况,对应用软件开发项目的计划和控制管理进行了研究探讨,给出了公交企业实施软件开发项目管理可操作的方法。

    Combining modern public transport enterprises of the actual situation , the application software development project planning and control management of the study , given the implementation of public transport enterprise software development project management operational methods .

  22. 按确定的步骤为每个软件项目制订scm活动计划。

    A SCM plan is prepared for each software project according to a documented procedure .

  23. 优秀软件程序员负责项目的计划书。

    Leading software developers take care of the specifications of the program .

  24. 软件过程改进中项目计划与跟踪的实例研究

    Case Study : Improving Project Planning and Tracking in Software Development Process

  25. 用于创建和命名软件开发项目的长期计划,例如五年计划。

    Your long-term plan , such as five-year , for creating and naming software development projects .

  26. 完成了项目软件需求说明书和项目计划书,并以此对系统软件进行设计和开发。

    Thus , the software requirements specification and the project specification are completed and the systematic software is designed and developed with it .

  27. 没有人在软件项目开始时就计划失败,但是谨慎确实比勇猛要重要一些。

    Nobody starts a software project planning to fail , but discretion truly is the better part of valor if things start coming apart .

  28. 它们描述了一个迭代的,递增的,引导开发团队实现结果的过程,而不是为一个软件项目指示一个计划-建立-组装的活动序列。

    Rather than prescribing a plan-build-assemble sequence of activities for a software project , they describe an iterative , incremental process that steers development teams toward results .

  29. 软件项目很少能够做好计划,作为结果,我们最常见的就是在范围、费用和时间的铁三角中平衡。

    Software projects rarely do as well as planned and , as a result , far too often we have to visit our iron triangle of scope , cost , and time .

  30. 软件成本估算是软件项目管理的关键步骤,也是软件项目计划的难点。

    Software cost estimation is an important process of managing software and also the difficult issue in software project planning .